Monday, November 17


Good afternoon peoples.

gosh, for once, i slept so early at 1 a.m last night. DAMN, i felt so sleeeepy right now..
shouldn't have woke up so early today. but there's a sudden adrenaline rush towards to me to blog! somehow i felt that everything in my world is changing.

~ my personal life
~ my beloved room
~ my personal cell phone
~ my style of fashion
~ my pals
~ my appetite x)

i need to lose weight, seriously these days... anyone is interested to go gym with me? anyone?
leave a tag :D

awwww, im suffering from mental breakdown these days and im going nuisance sooner or later.
its so torturing life without his presence, but there's always a saying goes in my mind, "when there's a will, there's a way." this sounds very true to me, which leads to a better start in my life, i hope.

its already a past where he's already my 'past tense', putting hopes way up high he's going to return is totally impossible to accomplish. shall put an end to this relationship and move on.

GAWD, what am i crapping about?
cut that crap~
although im not a hard-core fan of all these subjects, but is anyone interested to join me for this group studying? venue and time will be noted in further reference. and i would be glad if there's a volunteer to teach us in this several subjects. experienced tutor please...

teeeeeeheeeee =X
i missed out a few shots in the workshop, wonderful experience !
great work, great success, not-so-good physics lesson, wacky add-maths techniques
p.s. : i mistaken Sunny Yee with the guy that shouted on the parent..... ~.~ swt


more and more pictures please =)

my tag : spot my name
i knew chuixing wants it in pink, too bad girl, its BLUE!
the notes x)
p.s: I KNOW MY HANDWRITTINGs ARE FUGLYMr. Sunny Yee, the tutor
a.k.a Chuixing-claimed-to-be-her-uncle
i didnt know chaur jang was so famous till yesterday. when im in PJ, someone did mention your name too. I knew you're proud of it :D
spot the name xD xD
[chaur jang a.k.a kow dang]
the 2nd day lunch in KDU
its just way too cheesy for my appetite :X
picture of the cafeteria
i knew this will put you into shock of laughter ~.~
this is the semi-permanent fat panda tattoo
which i was supposed to paste on my hand.
THAT MORNING, im so BLURR which i forgot to peel off the plastic sticker at that tattoo,
2 seconds past, the tattoo just
POOFfff ~~~
because its stick on to the plastic instead of my skin.
chui xing and sue san cant help laughing at my dumbness clumsiness
i'm sorry
nvm, KDU's memories mah xD
on the way back ; SMK Damansara Jaya

thats all for now
gotto shower and get ready for tuition
bye people!
im feeling better right now
cheeeeeeerrrrs ~!

mood : playful and ticklish
song : she's dangerous

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