Friday, November 28

Movie time

I'm so addicted to this freaking awesome drama.
OK, well I know, I'm sick and im supposed to stay on my bed, mom, but well, this drama is AN irresistible temptation. I'm currently addicted to myth, folktales and legends movies ._____.

Being the possessive and down-to-earth-girl, ever since the previous-failed-relationship, ahahaha, I always believe there's no such occurrence of true love, eternity, everlasting, forever, eternal, perpetual, never-ending, persistent, and of course being the naive one, i used to believe all those bullshyts he used to tell me when we got heated up with arguments and disagreements. HELLOOO, I'm only 16, how do you expect me to bear with all those responsibles that one should have to be commited in a serious relationship? please stop the fark bullshyting about eternal love we gonna have till the end of our life, when our hair turns shining silver and blardy shyt on. Its just those common lines guys would use to cheer girls up. PLAIN dumb when i think of the tears I spared on him and used to hold on to the promises he made to me. LOL (well, couples are always blinded by promises and love when they are in a relationship, right chuixing? but owh well, who knows i might fall in love again in the very next minute? ahahhaa)

Well, I still remember every single detail happened in the cinema that particular day, the first day High School Musical 3 was out -24th of October 2008. Hmm, I dont really feel like bursting all out here about it, but I still think of you when I listened to the soundtracks.

the only things i would rant about my ex is there were times when I wished that I can just throw him onto the wall and step on his head couple times until his skull cracks so he understands what I am trying to say to him. :D

i adore you, tomato :)

小鱼儿&小仙女 (translation Xiao Yu Er and Xiao Xian Nu)

love the chemistry they had in between them
waiting for my next-door
SPM 13 more months :(

and owh yah, the drama I'm addicted to right now is The Dragon Heroes
Happy watching *cheers!

music : the theme song of The Dragon Heroes
mood : very random.. :b

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