Sunday, December 21

09' resolutions

4 more days to Christmas, 7 more days to Year 2009. Time passes very fast this year. I still remember the moments we waited for our results excitedly and somehow, in just a blink of eye, it's already close to an end of Secondary Four. Lots of happenings this year, each and every make a slight change in my life. I guessed thats how people learn and grow.

as the saying goes, "life is full with ups and downs" is totally undeniable, and when there's no pain, there's certainly no gain in it. (he likes to say this :) )
Experiencing heartaches and heartbroken before finally meeting the right one in life enlighten us to appreciate the right one more.

7 days more to go, before bidding goodbye to my sweet 16. ahaha and stepping into sweeter 17 ahaha.. (there's no such things anyway) and the magnificent creepy SPM papers awaiting at the end of the year 09.

it wouldn't be a New Year without some New Year Resolutions, right?
ahaha, so here's mine. MUAHAHAHAHA

New Year Resolutions

  • appreciate more and complain less
  • lose weight
  • smile and laugh more *giggles
  • restock on pepper sprays
  • find no faults with others
  • work hard on my academics
  • practice sweetness of speech
  • be caring and sharing
  • be in the company of positive people
  • new bedsheets
  • get my car license
  • pass the Undang test .__.
  • score my SPM with flying colours *woots
  • take a flight to Singapore *TEEHEEEEEEEE
  • keep in contact with the old friends
  • avoid spendthrift
lol, tonnes of them to accomplish.. I believe i'll pull through, anyway its Senior Year next year. Muahahahaaaaa

This year guo tong dinner namely Winter Solstice, im not sure whether will my parents have it at home or restaurant, but nowadays inflation, lets cook maggi mee at home instead, mom.
Teeeheeee X)
i simply love those glutinous rice balls, tong yuen... too colourful this year, but its simply the best, mom made it :)

love the white ones.. *pfft..Why dont have purple ones?!

I'll love to take a nap right now,
dozing off to bed again.

current melody : lollipop
current mood : cephalodynia

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