Monday, December 1


Its past midnight right now.
and i have no idea what to do besides chatting with him.

There's loads of bad happenings today, to me, to Becca and to Tai. I didnt know both of them were actually suffering from the same issue I'm having for the past two weeks. Becca's case was really a shock to me. The previous night before, we were talking happily about her relationship with her boyfriend in Australia, but all of a sudden? this afternoon, she cried to me, and said its over.


Its really far beyond our expectations, our limitations. Hard to handle but easy to play with.
Love is more alike a guessing game, we often trying to guess what's in the mind of our partner, but the fact is, we never disclosed what in our minds to our another half. There's always these tricks causing confusion in between these love-birds. This could develops into a wound if they doesn't trust each other enough and misunderstood one another.

Glad that i left the relationship and im looking forward for the next one.
Anyway, blow those thoughts off.

>.< style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">TARGET u, Mr.Physics.

music : Kiss the rain by Hienie, melody by Yiruma
mood : contented

I've never felt this way
To be so in love
To have someone there
Yet feel so alone
Aren't you supposed to be
The one to wipe my tears
The on to say that you would never leave

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