Sunday, December 28

blood test

its almost midnight when i finally get to settle down and blog about everything happened today.
The sight today in the hospital was really grieving and almost made all of us to cry in that saddening pitch. I didnt know she could actually endure all those pains, as young as 11 but im proud of you, little sister. I knew how painful it was, i went through all those needles and knives before you at your age and I was merely clueless how to make you feel better :X
I saw mommy's eyes were in tears and I couldnt do much except for giving them a hug... I knew deep inside my mom's heart, she wished that she can replace sister and undergo the pain she could hardly bear with, but we were just so clueless when we heard of your cries and wailed in pain. Honestly, blood test is the scariest EXAMINATION ever on earth to my family. My parents are afraid of needles too :)
LOL... ( especially, my dad )
and I still remember when I was in primary 3, I was admitted to the hospital due to dengue fever. *whadturf

and they took the OH-SO-BLARDY-blood-test like every single day and night. Giler panda - Are they some sort of vampires that hunger over a 9-year-old-dengue-infected-girl-blood ?
GEEEEEE and I left some footmarks on their lifts and walls, everything in that hospital after i was discharged from the room because I simply hate them. *i was very mischievious at that age

however, oh well, Im feeling kinda embarrassed when i returned to that hospital for check up, and yet so shy when i faced the nurse that used to wrap me into a mummy-flatted-sausage-like because i couldnt stay still when she wanna inject some sort of white-fluid-like-chemical into my wrist d: ( not an obedient brat and so when i was young )

so i'd been spending my whole day in the hospital, waiting for the results to come out and so on.
we waited like 5 hours there doing nothing .___.
You could actually know we were, because we even had time for camwhoring session :D
when the results came out, mom heaved a sigh of relief because she finally knows her little tiger is safe and healthy.
ahahahha and we could be really random in the hospital..

i can even have time for pao in the hospital (its red bean, and no porks :D)

we took a stroll at the nearby park

heading towards cafeteria

signboards :D and car park :S (my dad couldnt locate his car .__. )

and we went information centre too ... LOL
mom : check out the price under maternity session
me : what for? *giggles
mom : for you to stay larh...
me : *whadturf?

watching a malay man selling pao or maybe buns (weird eh? )

blood test .____. (i dont dare to enter the room when her blood was oozing out )


and this very random picture i snapped last night.
Anyone interested? kindly contact that number
p.s : im not doing any publicity on that :X

Translated : Strong medicine for males? O__O

by the way, people!
go ahead and shop till you drop
before you'll be regret for not doing so
because the year end sale is going to end
in about a week time!!
4th of Jan :)
happy shopping ~

time to doze off :D
nights people...
current music : So what by Pink
current melody : shop-before-its-too-late

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