Tuesday, December 16

BOO ordinary day

gahhh its 0004 hours now..
I thought of going online asap as long the connection is established in my room, well, i guess no luck then when my dad reached home about eleven today, or should i say yesterday night? :X

These two days i been giving myself loads of time to think what do i actually want in my life?
or even money?

for the past few weeks, i will still think naively that he's the only tree in my forest, and was only him colouring my world but i doubt this sentence now and then. LOL

Many people has been asking, Why didnt Shu go online? Why Sha didnt go online? Why that Shaooi didnt come online? Why Shu ting didnt online today?

so im here to explain what i been through this two days. ngek ngek

Day 1 : Sunday
I woke up at 3 in the afternoon because i slept at 5 the night before. I watched Moonlight Resonance 溏心風暴之家好月圓 and
i love Tavia Yeung soooooOOOOOoooOOOOO much x1000

she's so pretty and i simply fall in love with her character in the drama.

lol and AND i went to a nearby mall to get a bookshelf for my room, but its actually some sort of multi-purpose shelf, but well, it would be fine in my room, hopefully .. ahaha
some shots before i move on to the second day, yesterday :)

This ice-kacang really damn nice! must try :) and it only costs me 2 one ringgit note sia!

spot the trolley behind me? My ultimate shelf ahaha and pardon my green slippers .__.

not-to-be-missed : sisters

giving birth to the shelf ahahaha :)
im not helping though cause im watching Koma II on the sofa
wtf, kidney digger .__.

and yea, we reached home about 11 and by the time everything is done, its about one in the morning, so i went to bed, and slept with mom. My freaking sister kept talking about the movie even she's on the bed and that gave me creeps. ( im timid kay? )

Day 2 : Monday

lol, and i was awake by a call, surprisingly it was from chui xing. I thought it was him :X LOL... and well, ahaha so i picked up the call and talked to chui xing on the phone, and out of a sudden, another call come in. An unknown number so i told cx about it, saying i didnt wanna pick up the phone, who knows if its from those psycho killer that wanna murder and rape me at home, since my mom went to the hospital and my younger sister went to school. So im apparently no one to turn to if that scenario happens. ahaha, but god knows who gave me those creeps.
and when i answered the phone, that voice sounds familiar, male voice in his early sixties, i predicted, and the next minute, wtf its MR. CHIN from my tuition centre.
didnt expect him to give me a morning call, err noon call maybe? its 12 in the afternoon LOL
so yea he told me that the tuition today is canceled and blah blah blah.. so lol, i rang chuixing after he put down the phone. Her reaction was predicted as it always seem to.. wtf mr.chin called you for what larh?!

ahahaha, so yep , my tuition today was cancelled and this means more time for tidying up my room :)
ahaha, its supposed to be a good thing but well, after two seconds of deep thought about that, its not really that good as it supposed to.
i need to clean up the mess and everything the whole day THEN.
GAHHH.. and lol.. i quitted taking art in SPM.
*god knows why
hmm.. and i found many pretty drawings behind this thick dusty purple A3 file

and this particular drawing
my first drawing when i joined Natureart :)

my final masterpiece before i left

dont ask me who is this lady but well, she looks like a villain NGEK NGEK

(i learnt this from chainmails)
and i totally indulged into this drama, Singapore's production but seriously this is like one of the best movie i ever watch for those fantasy dramas.
and i love Shui Ling Long, ahaha i read their subtitles though i barely understand their language

She's soooOOOOO adorable, her cute lashes too :D

and xiao bai long looks soo perfect for a dragon *drools
(pssst and yes, he is a dragon and i expected all dragons to look very MEAN and violent)

but ahahaha still a nice drama to catch up with :)

and more pictures since my room is almost done, expect for the ladybird lamp my dad wanna get.
I hate insects larh, aduh
seriously i hate them a loads, more than everything else on earth :(
i prefer panda hehehhh
if lollies lamp would be better though, and i couldnt stop myself staring at the ceiling then heheh.. and my following pictures will be something like this...

and a few shots from the new shelf stood still in my room

magazines .__.

and well somehow while the spring cleaning is taking place today, i come across with this article and i find this line pretty true and most of the time happening around us, me and my friends

Q : Why do girls keep falling for bad boys?
A: Because girls [subconsciously] want something they know they shouldnt have. Deep down, even the good girl has a rebellious side. Sometimes even the slightest nudge could unleash the hidden desires to be with the bad boys.

lol, ending this here. it took me pretty long to complete this post
3 hours plus? wtf
its 3 and im heading to bed
byeee people

current melody : half song
current mood : PMS larh!

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