Thursday, December 18

A day out with him

O - K - A - Y,
seriously i didnt expect this to be that tired...
reaching home about 10.30, stepped out of the house about 10.30 too IN THE MORNING
that was in a rush because i woke up about ten, and i forgot totally about the outing today with michelle, alvin and ziq and also liz but she couldnt make it up to her parents' disprove.
How i wish you could come along with us, girl? sighh
its a terrible morning because i couldnt sleep last night and i ended up calling dingdong.. LOL
but sigh not even a single person for me to let out my rantings.
in the end, i read magazines and fell asleep.

and yea the next moment i opened my eyes its already ten plus and my mom didnt bother to wake me up. GAHHH... i ran out of my room and asked the busy woman in her kitchen

Shu : MOMMY!!!
Mom : ... *stares at me with that annoyed look
Shu : Why didnt you wake me up about 8 when sis about to go to school?
Mom : because i didnt want you to go *continues with her work on her hand
Shu : Daddy also didnt mentioned anything last night when i told him about it. Why are you throwing your tantrums to me early in the morning?
Mom : You always make your own decisions before letting us know about it. YOU ARE NOT SEEKING FOR PERMISSION, you are telling us your decision.
Shu : .............................*wtf (early morning got scolded this way) fine? so i shall talk to dad about this then.
Mom : go ahead

(called to daddy's workplace)
Shu : Daddy, can i go out today with friends to Midvalley?
Daddy : *asking for details and blah blah blah
Shu : yeaaa, but mommy is reluctant to let me out of the house
Daddy : err, ask Mommy answer the phone now.

(so they talked on the phone for 1 minute and 43 seconds)
Daddy : let mommy knows about what you're doing there and becareful
Shu : CAN I HAVE THE MONEY PLEASE? (cumon, this is IMPORTANT.. lalala...)
Daddy : Ask from mommy the money and be right home before five for tuition
Shu : Okay after the movie

so yea, i got the money from mom and went to michelle's house about 11. Kinda hmm blurr that time, so im not really afraid of michelle's chi huahua surprisingly and of course, we walked to the nearby taxi stand and got into a cab really quick. We reached KTM station pretty late and thank god the train was about to reach and bumped into several tuition mates. Chui Wei and the another dude, i didnt know whats his name :D
LOL.. but ahahaha.. was shocked when i heard he's going to lowyat with the girl to claim his salary. *rolling eyes

well, we reached Megamall pretty late this time and our very faithful malay friend, Alvin helped us to get our beloved tickets while Michelle and I went window-shopping around..
we planned to get our breakfast or lets said MY BRUNCH, therefore headed to teppanyaki but when we were looking of it, somehow i got tempted to walk around Gardens and poof i ate porridge with the Yao Char Kueow in Gardens instead ahahahaha...
but its nice larh, hearty and yet healthy meal.
with a cup of soya to prevent breast cancer :)
im just crapping LOL

so after purchasing the drinks and foods, we settled down and Michelle got a call from Alvin, saying Twilight tickets are out of order... *heartache
*feel like murdering the people watching Twilight at that time GAHHH
sigh, so he got us Wildchild but in fact, its actually a 7.5 rating out of 10.
*drools over Freddie
That movie is so girly, but well.. ahaha im sure these two guys wouldnt mind, do they?
TEEHEEEE :D so yea, and i met Ziq for the first time in front of Pets Wonderland, quite a experience ahahaha and he's so shy LOL although he defended himself saying he's not.

hmm, and Wildchild is one typical teen drama, some sort of comedy storyline revolving a rebellious teenage girl who shipped off to a strict English boarding school by her dad. AND I JUST LOVE EMMA ROBERTS's role in this movie. She's so charming and not to be miss, Freddie starring Alex Pettyfer too.

Starring Emma Roberts

arriving boarding school

and her wet-soaked-rainwater-red heels

check out her uniform sia .__.

her prayers

camwhorers as USUAL

after the makeover

this is the sweetest scene of all... at least, they didnt cut off the kissing scene
compared to twilight.

and somehow we landed at Sushi King after a numeral of visits to other restaurants and food outlets. Malays love Sushi i guess? aahhahahaaaa no offence to anyone out there..
gotto leave the mall quite early this time because of my tuitions and my mom. she screamed at me on the phone, and warned me to get home ASAP before 6.
Anyhow, LOL... by the time, we wanna leave Megamall its about 5.50 p.m. and with those delays I reached home about 6.40 and gotta rush to tuition in Cekap.
Im really sorry couldnt stay any longer than 6 for your birthday Ziq, but well i appreciate those moments with you. ahahahaha and that cat in the movie LMAO...


picture time :D

im tired and going to bed now..
let pictures explain more.

train in the morning :D

christmas decor in megamall

taking lift while heading to Teppanyaki (im jobless)

jingle bell, check out my reflection

my brunch
*pfft someone said my hand looks like those dead corpse.

in Gardens, christmas decor

michelle wanna enter the cage :S

view lalalalala, and wtf i didnt know i would be that scare when i about to cross them

What on earth is that man doing in public?

wasabi + sweet sauce = whadturf?

this looks cute and obscene in the same time too :X

the plates

signing off,
with loves shu

current mood : fucking tired and sleepy
current music : none

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