Saturday, December 27

happy birthday shermaine

Happy Belated Birthday Shermaine ()
she's Miss Tsunami, 26th Dec baby
Happy birthday girl and i hope u had a blast on your big day!!

i'm still reading twilight, thanks karyee for forwarding me the story :)
somehow, i found out something. Edward Cullen in the story is just way too perfect for something to be true. Something in him is special and different from other guys around. Maybe im just too indulged in the story *winks but part of me waiting for someone like him walk in my life :D

gahhh, not much emo post lately, be strong, learnt this from Ivy and Kayla, helped out loads and contributed much laughter in my life these days and here i am, blogging happily but still hurting much inside. Its just a matter of time..
and im having a big time resisting myself to stay away from you,
so stop getting nearer.

geeee, im going to bed, my mom lectured just now for staying awake too late :S
byeeeeee gans!

current mood : mind over matter
current melody : the little things

The little things you do to me
Are taking me over
I wanna show you
Everything inside of me
Like a nervous heart that
Is crazy beating
My feet are stuck here
Against the pavement
I wanna break free
I wanna make it
Closer to your eyes
Get your attention
Before you pass me by

Back up, back up
Take another chance
Don't you mess up, mess up
I don't wanna lose you
Wake up, wake up
This ain't just a thing that you
Give up, give up
Don't you say that I'd be better off
Better off sitting by myself than wondering
If I'm better off, better off without you boy

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