Friday, December 19


Tagged by Dingdong

Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italicize the statements that you wish were true.
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.

*anyone that wish to do this :)


I’m 170cm tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment. I’m not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
He drives.
I’m bored of driving.
I have a white handbag.
I love dancing.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star!
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs.
90% of my friends smoke.
I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
I’m studying Fashion.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone. I have 10 Guess handbags.
I buy CLEO every month.
My parents don’t know about my blog. I have an iPod.
I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
My school mates know about my blog.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
I love rock emo bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups. I’m a rebel. I’m starting to love wearing dresses.
I don’t believe in love.
High school's filled with drama.
My parents have faith in me. I’ve bought shoes this month.
A blogger bitched about me before. I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs.
People should start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have red hair.dark red :)
Mid Valley is my second home.
I’m a guy. I’m scared of my Biology exam.
I hate vacations.
We’ll last.
I believe in long distance relationships.
I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
I’ve robbed an old lady.
I’m starting to like applying make-up.
I was a tomboy. At times I think I still am a tomboy.
I love bitching about people behind their backs.
I still have a best friend.
I have a cat.
I hate surprise parties.
I hate planning parties.
I’m hot. WUHAHAHH!!
I’m a sinner.
I’ve got a DS light.
I have a Wii. I cannot live without music.
Video games are a waste of time.
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love.
I know how to cook.
I have 100% freedom.
Boys are assholes.
I hate Math. I love horror films.
I’m happy with what I have. I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid. My old friends keep in touch with me.
I don’t read newspapers.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can’t live without make-up.
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
I hate people that are smart. I love green apple juice.
I can’t drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love swimming.
I haven’t worked out since March.
I think I’m fat. I love my friends and family.


ged by Nixolie a.k.a DingDong

1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

2. Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

*anyone that wish to complete this tag

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
. how could he do such a thing to me? *weep and rant all out to my bestie

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
. i will wish to have my family members around me, always...
3. What is the criteria for your dream lover?
. hmm, tricky one. he must NOT be a smoker, drinker and a gambler. Others would be fine.

4. Which is more important, Friends or lovers ?
. both of them, lover and friends

5. Will you u fall in love with your relative?
. my relative? ahahaha used to. he looks cute when he's young but not now .___.

6. Did u got someone u love now?
. i have a crush at him :)

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
. i have no idea about this, but it takes some time to let go the one you really love?

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
. ehh back off and move on

9. Do you think the world would be better off if everyone has the same religion/ethnicity/ etc?
. NO! different religions and races better, more holidays xD

10. You see a 50 year old man entwine arms with a girl about the age of 20+ and find out they are gf/bf. What are your first thoughts?
. whadturf

11. How would you see yourself in 30 years time?
. im 46 by that time.. Grandma? LMAO
12. What's your fear?
. insects, bugs, and dark

13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
. look at the clock

14. Would you love someone who lay hands on you?
. yes, not?

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
. the one that loves me most

16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
. i could IF he make an effort to mend it

and i pity ming so much.. he has a big time scratching like a monkey these two days due to the mosquito bites.
awww... get some medicine :)
i recommend you one effective way

rub the mosquito bites with dry chillies powder

hopefully you will feel better
>.< (dont take this seriously or else, you'll ended up in the hospital)

current mood : waiting and still waiting
current melody : Never Think by Robert Pattison

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