Friday, December 12

Teen's love

GAHHHH, this has been randomizing in mind for quite a period but it seems that i couldnt get it out of my mind and yet its pretty hard for me to express this to anyone, yea included myself. i didnt know whats the reason i been thinking about this these days but im sure, behind these reasons, there must be a conclusion to it.

Very often we heard from people (i meant most people) that girls are evil in relationships, they are those typical meanies and bad ones when in a relationship and well, we often put a kind of perception we had, lets say in this situation. If a girl happens to be the one that asked for a break off, we often thinks that the girl is the baddie and vice-versa. Never once it will come in the mind, that the guy would be the one doing wrong and we often see 'the-one-that-calls-it-quit' would be the only one to be blamed in the relationship.

Aside from this, in this century, especially this two god-made creatures ; female and male often wanna compete among themselves. This would be very obvious statement especially nowadays the women are getting well-paid careers compared to men. However, there's something that women are always hunger of ; love. Most women (not only women, females would be appropriate to address them) females often need a companion in life, either studying or working, they need someone for them to rely on when they are down, a shoulder to lean on when they cry, and someone to talk to when they need to express.

This sounds slightly dramatic but that is what happening in reality. While most males out there, needs ladies to fulfill the emptiness in them with love, this would be the first reason on the list, but aside from that, there are also males that need women just to fulfill their lust and also their sexual desire. well, the main point wasn't about sex but then, many people suffered from heartaches and emotional anguish because we often wanna get the one that we couldn't get.

And we attempt to get the person so badly, the bigger the disappointments we gonna faced and we often missed out a loads of chances and lost the people around us. Things always goes likely and when we make an effort to change this, its already too late because feelings are already developed, its hard to hold on, but it would be harder to let go.

This entered my mind an hour ago - why do we need companion since we are only in high school? its supposed to be high school drama, teen's life!

Arent we supposed to enjoy what we had in high school? yea, surprisingly to said, YES i agree to it but being in love is also part of the high school's life. Having a mild crush onto someone would be absolute fine and normal especially teens and being in love is an awesome experience, it might even be the memories to treasure and bury deep down in the bottom of our hearts. Flashing back the first time an opposite sex holding my hand and alarmed by his sudden contact with his cold fine skin, it would be pretty funny. (and yeah, im giggling ahaha) How do the adults expect us to hold down our feelings? Probably we can, but feelings come and go.

To me, this is only my point of view, no offense to anyone out there and no hard feelings please, well, we often see people in pairs, holding hands walking down the corridor in school and very frequent this sight has becomes a natural phenomenon in school.
Typical high school drama!

should really stop blogging about this.
and i need to go out and get presents for christmas.
hearts you tomato!
and i love this quote!
Love burns high when thwarted by obstacles.

with loves,

current melody : I've finally found someone by Bryan Adams & Barbara Streisand
current mood : indulge with love and obsessed over tomato! teeheeeee

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