Wednesday, December 3

Vacancy available please?

Hullo lovely peoples.

I'm feeling tedious again and i decided to type something here in my site. Well, I suffered from nervous breakdown for the past few days. Sigh, im glad to have all my friends and family around me, encouraging me to move on from this state of illness.


this came into my mind before during that breakdown period,
ahahahaha, but i canceled of my mind when i know i will turn into this... Photobucket

but i prefer to have all my loved ones in one beautiful piece. LOL
and ohhh well, im currently fond of seaweeds.

NOT THESE LARHHHH!!!!! Photobucket
but these ahhahahaha
love them Photobucket

ANYONE would offer me a job please?
Vacancy, i need one badly =(
melody : Tonight
mood : jobless-atm-state of recovering

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