Sunday, January 18

depressing day before exams

Oh yay, whadturf!

The days till SPM are decreasing :(

and I'm totally not prepared for that examination yet.

Today, a well-dressed man with glasses - a teacher, entered our class (used up part of Rahimi's lesson), and asked us to fill in the form for SPM.

WHADTURF? so fast!

Its like I'm the only one taking the 6 core-subjects, and additional 3 science subjects, total - 9.
I'm totally clueless what subject else to take, when the geeks surrounding me are taking additional one or two subject at least. Accounts, accounts and accounts.
Whadturf? Why everyone is taking account larh wye?

I don't even understand a single shyt about accounts even in Kemahiran Hidup in Sec 3 (don't doubt how I managed to score an A for my KH paper :D )

What else do they offer?


Basic Economy?




Well, lets see Science, I took the branches of it - Chemistry, Biology and Physics, I doubt if my parents want me to take another repeated subject. I thought of taking Basic Economy, however I'm afraid its too late for me to start learning the basics now, few more months till SPM to cover up the two years syllabus.Photobucket Geography? Veny gave me the sample examination format, and it looks kinda simple, which is all the theory we learnt in Form Three. Don't even think of putting even the slightest hope of all that I'm going to get 1A for my Chinese, I'll just probably get 2 marks for the whole paper, if I'm lucky enough to shoot the correct answers. Photobucket Yeh, Art! weeeeee, I enjoyed his lessons so much, those days in art class with Karyee.. ahahaha

Holy hell, I'm certainly Photobucket about my future plans. Whadturf?

Matriculation, College or Form Six?

apart from this, I don't (Bu Yao, tak mau, do not want, don't vill )wanna take accounts so badly Photobucket

well, teeeheeeee Dad brought us to Bangsar this evening, he had to collect something from his colleague's house. Oh whadturf? I didn't know my sis is good in making fun out of my parents too.. ahahahaha

Dad : I want the article in the newspaper today.
Mom : What article?
Dad : The article in the newspaper The Star.
Mom : The Star ? I thought the article you said you want was in The Sun.
Dad : No, the one I want was in The Star...
Mom : Not The Sun arh?
Dad : I want The Star.
Mom : Are you sure it was in The Star? The Sun larh..
Dad : Its not, I want The Star!!
Sister : You both cant have The Sun and The Star larh! Both of them are hanging in the sky!
Me : *laugh-till-giler-panda in car and ended up getting stomachache
Sister : What? Truth what, the Sun and Star on top of our heads, dont you agree?
Me : duhhh... I'm laughing that you got mommy and daddy dumb-strucked in front at the passenger seat! ahahahahaaa

and slap me someone. I feel like sending him a message.

OMG OMG, i simply love this quote!!!

Patiently you waited for a courting boy's embrace, then everyone would know. But the letter jacket wasn't yours to own and it proves to be on temporary loan. And as they all grow older the truth will be understood, cause we never turn out the way we thought we would.

takpe, I'll feel better in time, I hope
pray hard for me.


I'm going to bed then

tuning in : It's not over - Secondhand Serenade
mood : sleepy and yet being so studious

I lose myself in all these fights
I lose my sense of wrong and right
I cry, I cry
It's shaking from the pain that's in my head
I just wanna crawl into my bed
And throw away the life I led
But I won't let it die, but I won't let it die

But now it's over, it's over, why is it over?
We had the chance to make it
Now it's over, it's over, it can't be over
I wish that I could take it back

I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart
Don't say this won't last forever
You're breaking my heart, you're breaking my heart
Don't tell me that we will never be together
We could be, over and over
We could be, forever

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