Saturday, January 10

Its just another saturday morning with me

its a beautiful saturday morning, somehow im looking forward to it, but certain unexpected circumstances just arise.

although it was quite saddening truth, I felt relieved and happened to be feel so much better after listening to her story :) You don't have to feel bad or guilty over what happened between us, its just another misunderstood and some sort of mixed feelings, again in me :X

well... I couldn't really differentiate whether I'm into a rebound guy or was it only another crush?
confused and feeling so perplexed every moment when things grow fonder.. till i met him again.

and the feelings were still there, stood still - unchanged

life means change, it cannot remain static. It is always in a state of flux.

yeh, im struggling hard to apply this mentality in my life.
struggling really hard that i could actually cry myself to bed every night.
I need a break from all these.

on other hand, i thought of private-ing this blog. Should i?

current music : I kissed a girl -Katy Perry
current mood : obligated to pay for what i did.

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