Friday, January 9

a simply awakening scene

Looking forward for this weekend, to be a fun and adventurous one.
LOL.. before any craps flowing IN to my mind, pictures updates :D

5 S

my seat :D

the 17 textbooks

the Elections of the year
Class monitor : Ivan
Assistant : Marcus
Treasurer : Afiq
Person-in-charge-of-cleanliness : Chui Xing
Person-in-charge-of-noticeboard : Omar
Person-in-charge-of-tools : Cheng Ken

in pictures : Shermaine, Ivan and Marcus

Shermaine and Marcus at the left, Mei Yin and Jonas at the right :)

the blue-collars :X

shaddap, i know i look weird there
*in a depressed tone
"awww, we will miss you indefinitely, Jonas"

(owh, its elaine's cousins :D)

shall talk about what happened today later
gotto go at this moment
byee peeps!!

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