Friday, January 2

You dont really wanna stay, do you?

another awesome vacation i had..
like what i had mentioned in my previous post, i went Genting for the countdown to 2009 celebration with my family and things went really unexpected there. I had a blast in the party, and thanks for bringing me out from the room, Feng :D
and your brother is cute too x)

well... all i could describe about this beginning of the year is indifferent from other years, however i could somehow sense and make early predictions. YEAR 2010 would be better than this, a loads!
having a positive mind is a pretty good kick-start for this hectic massive study year :) and i can drive really soon.. 6 months more :D :D

The coolest thing is the part i met these impressive peeps in the party - Ben, Martha, Zuen and Adrian. I couldnt believe i would have actually stay up till that late that day, and I went back my room about 5.30 in the morning.. unforgettable moments for the start of this new year.

On the second day of the vacation, gahhh im almost stucked in the room for the rest of the day. The weather is too cold and humid and i could barely walk to the park, its either too misty or windy. I was being so jobless and decided to watch Astro in the hotel and played with tarot cards. Whadturf?
gahhh, and i could hardly understand the meaning of the card, so forget about blogging about the results here!

owh yah, talked about the first day of new year, i went genting's cybercafe with Feng because my frigging line was stucked in that damned place, no signal at all and the line was congested.. I'm really sorry for not replying the messages you guys sent to me, and i tried to reply but somehow, i was facing network failure at that time. Blame maxis :( and happy new year gans!.. im still in new year mood and two more days till school gonna reopen, two more days to shop for clothes and stuffs, still in a great bargain price in these last 48 hours peeps.

I entered the cybercafe, spotted loads of kiddos, and i met kaoi woei there, with her family, it was unexpected and she was shocked to see me there, when i tapped her shoulder :D she's prettier now, and she's a really sweet-looking girl. Well, edward pm-ed me this afternoon when i went online, he claimed that he saw me in the cybercafe that night, wondering is he lying not? *question marks!

i met vinyee, anntan, peichee, fong, vincent and one of their friends :) (i forgot his name :X)
its good to have friends around at this entertainment tourism spot, at least u have a companion to walk around when your family member ditched you aside :D (oh well, actually i left them for friends >.< ) and they gotto return to their hotel early as vincent's dad is rushing them to go back :X I'm gonna update the peektures in the next post. and the 8 minutes video too :D Im running out of time now as i just came back from attending a dinner with my granny. feeling hyper and tired in the same time.. and seriously, i need to cut down on calories and lose some weight. *im giler-panda-fats-these-days

current mood : hyper and feeling cold in heart
current melody : Hot N' Cold

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