Sunday, February 8

It just time to move on and I'll pretend I'm okay

I hate every scene taking place in my house right now. It changed a loads, hell loads compared to those older days. What causes all this changes? Is it really true human tend to outgrow their feelings when they developed and they don't even bother to stop and think as they grow? Don't they bother to stop and think with their plastic brains the consequences of doing that? Don't they give a bloody damn even though they tend to upset other loved ones?

Zillions of question marks appearing in my dictionary, absolute clueless to answer this undefined question.

Have you ever wonder if ever one day, something unexpected happened on your very unexpected day and things went unexpectedly absurd and you're feeling unexpectedly inappropriate of this unexpected incident?

And you'll be astonish to see this unexpected happening happened in the same time.

Caught in a relationship that will never happen to be a matter of fact, or generally known as one-sided love could be quite a pain in the arse as you didn't want to face the reality that she's just not into you? Would that happened to be worse when she'd show really obvious messages that she won't and will never get together with you? Think ahead and teenagers prone to face this common issue as they stepped into high school. Or maybe middle-school too.

Reader/ Viewer: Aiyar, Shu!! This is getting boring, change topic larh! *thought of exiting the site*


Alright, let's get to the next event.
Most probably this would be another belated post about the ISKL event I'd been yesterday.
ISKL namely International School of Kuala Lumpur situated next to the Ampang cemetery.
I kinda got spooked when I found out it was that school because part of my ancestors are actually buried in the ground, few metres away from the building. Alright, there won't be much goosebumps if Jonathan didn't mention about entering the washrooms.

Jona : I very scare larh, later who wants to go toilet with me?
Shu : Aiyor, you're male larh! Got kukujiao also afraid to go toilet arh?
Jona : Scare larh, next to cemetery mah, later I peeing halfway, suddenly 'someone' looking at me leh?
Jie Ying : Later you're practicing your vocals in the washroom, and then 'someone' said, "Out of pitch already larh"?
Shu : *goosebumps run down my spine*
but everyone in the bus laughed instead.

That school is a boarding school, I supposed and honestly, this particular school is so cool. There's like a WOW/WOAH/OMFG in every little ones' mind. And of course, since this is an international school, it wasn't surprising to see those blonde ones - Caucasian ambulating around the place. It's nice to be there for experience purpose, but for other reasons eg. studying, that would probably burn an enormous hole in my dad's wallet.

The tutors are warm and friendly, and they are all Caucasians!
Woooots! Besides this, they have really good vocal qualities, I bet this would be such a memorable experience working with them :)

Peektures time! (It might be a heavy load, get a sip of drink and come back kay? )

This driver kept getting us to the wrong destination
(I don't know where's that place neither)

International School of Kuala Lumpur

and their badge

2009 Kuala Lumpur 10th Anniversary Middle School Band and Choir Festival

and we're going in to the theatre.

their cafeteria (Michelle said it looks like TGV's snacks bar.)

and their jumbo chess set.

swimming pools too
(Credits to Michelle, I stole this from her phone *ampun, Mic*)

Indoor wall-climbing facility too

Michelle and Jie Jiun

Chee Kan and Mr. Blue Tee
(I'm soo sorry I didn't get to know your name)

Michelle and Ai Teng

Kai Kee and Shu

my girlf *winks*

this is just so random
*closed eyes*

The Men in black is my tutor of the day, the lady in red is Sarah.
Those little ones in yellow is the choir committees :)


(Second row from the left) WinYee, JieJiun, AiTeng, JieYing
(Bottom from left) Michelle, EeShan, MaySean
*Did you spot something?
It seems likely there's someone scratching JieYing's head in the picture

lunch of the day : ISKL Fried Rice
*put on the very lame smile*

the sandwich tastes better compared to the ones in my school.

On the way back :D

Orange building
( Forgotten what's the name of the building)
*slaps head*

bunch of peeps down there.
(Wanna get down from the bus to join the crowd actually, but takut nanti kena bash up :s
I'm timid kay? )

Sei Fo International School
(Sayfol International School)

Oh yea, I consulted the dentist today.
She said the cause of the swelling and pain
might be due to the growth of the
wisdom tooth.
(I hope not)
Mom told me it's fatal.
Is it true?
*shivers and worry*

Alright till here then peeps.
Toodles, I need to get a nap.


tuning in : What hurts the most - Rascal Flatts
mood : feeling perplexed and depressed

I can take a few tears now and then
and just let them out
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me

I might have run out of topics, and gimme more inspiration, someone? Please? :D

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