Friday, February 6

recap of the past

I miss my dead site a loads.

Thanks Michelle for updating my blog (:
Alright, this could be a really long break since the previous post and my user stats dropped like hell. Couldn't really imagine if I would to leave this site for about a year untouched, and not updated now and then. GAHH *eyes closed tight*

Anyway, on the 5th day of Chinese New Year (Oh shutup, stop telling me that Chap Goh Mei is somewhere near the corner, I know okay?) I went to some sort of temple-like-place-with-a-really-humongous-statue, if I'm not mistaken, it's the Gautama Buddha. My mom woke me up freaking early that day (Why I remember that so clearly although its like 14 days ago? It was the only morning that I woke up after 2 hours of sleep. Whadturf right?) and to get ready to that place, I need to get dressed by 7 ( Yes, Seven, Chat, Chih!) and headed to that temple.

Oh fine then! Yes, and when I got ready with everything, mom told me that uncle will be arriving slightly late to pick us up because he's having something with his family.
I nearly got one of my arteries burst because of this and ended up having angina, so jialat larh! Woke up early, and telling me that uncle will be coming late, and I wasted like 2 hours waiting at the living room like dungu sial. I should have actually make use of that frigging two hours and snooze soundlessly on my comfortable bed and cozy room!

So yeah, we left the house about nine and headed to Cheras. Arriving the temple, I didn't notice the huge black dog on my left, because I was observing the tiny Chihuahua on my left, whadturf? (Why something hairy brushed on my skin?) *looked down and found a huge dog, around my butt-height to be licking my shoe next to my feet*

OH TURF! *scream and sped right inside the temple, to the farthest wall I could reach*
(I'm afraid of pets =S)

Wait, one more surprising fact. I found this really, really adorable super cute baby when I entered and settled down in that temple (:

Guess what? A 50-years-old woman gave birth to this adorable 2-months-old baby, noted 50-years-old lady.

Mom : Shu, this baby so comel.
Shu : Nolarh, I'm the cutest! *giggles in joy*
Mom : Alarh, he's a boy, different cuteness la.
Shu : Same larh, I'm still your big baby, mom! *gave mom a big hug*
Mom : This is temple larh, watch what are you doing.
Shu : *shrugs* Fine! Who's the mom?
Mom : *points to one direction* That lady, she's 50 this year, so power!
Shu : Waa, you also know what's the power right, gimme a little younger brother this year as my birthday gift this year larh!
Mom : *speechless*

and this is the pictures of her other 3 children. They are awarded with pink-flushed-cheeks and super huge eyes. O_O

The little boy with kungfu panda pyjamas will turn out to be really good looking in the future, trust me!

Yea, burning incense and giving donations, would be a must when entering the temple, so far from what I observed for the past 15 years. We planned to leave early that day because gotto rush to my family gathering at 2 noon.

Byebye Karmapa.
(Don't ask me what's the meaning of it, I have no idea neither)

Not much pictures in the family gathering, except of some really random pictures my cousin snapped using my lousy camera phone.

This is his bitch

the tossed Yee Sang.
(The salmon slices tasted one kind. Urkk!)

Pork ribs.
(Sorry, this isn't a halal blog, but well, to those non-muslims, the pork ribs really taste good larh, although I don't consume pork, but the gravy really tempting enough for you to have this dish with white rice)

Not much pictures like I said, I was too busy filling my empty stomach that night. The following day, we went to Genting Highlands once again, but slightly different this time, because all my cousins are going. Weeee!
Cousins play a main role in family when deal with theme parks! :)

Picture of Meeeee :)

(OH MY, I didn't know you snapped my picture till I found it)


little cousins

and still cousins
(Sister showing off her dimple? *slaps)

*giving the whadthehell look*
What is he trying to do?
What the heck is she doing?

heeeheeee, my so-antique-car.
Uncle Lim's property though ):

Its getting colder when the night is getting older

driver of the night
Hee Teck

the pathways

my own cure of shivers - red bean soup

and maggi mee

Teeeheeeeeeeeee :D

On the way back
*pardon the dark circles and puffy eyes*

Yee Sang on my father's birthday
(7th day of the Chinese New Year)
"Ren Re"
'Yan Yat'

Nicely decorated
*flashes bangga smile*

I ordered, bought, drew, and even picked up the cake myself

Happy Birthday DAD!!!
<3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5299685350568371746" border="0">she stealing the limelight!

Happy Birthday daddy!
I love you, dad

Few days ago, wait, it's Wednesday. Recap of what happened, I went to the nearby mall to get some stuffs for the choir thingie tomorrow and managed to catch up for a movie - The Wedding of The Year with besties, Elaine and Michelle. Bumped into Mable and her friends too, quite err, feeling awkward, it'd been quite a time since our last contact. Honestly, Singaporeans are really good in comedy. That hamster, GuGu Jiao is sooooo adorable although I ain't pet-lovers, but its too cute to be adore :)

And yes, we had a big time giggling and laughing at the scenes. LOL!

lunch of the day

KarYee is a good joker too.
Sorry, but I have to share this with everyone.
Yesterday in Chemistry class :

Chui Xing : Ehh, you know what Kar Yee said just now?
Shu : What? *drawing the smooth curves with 100% attention*
Chui Xing : You know about the flexible ruler, we used to draw the curves for the graphs?
Shu : Yea, what's with that?
Kar Yee : Don't larh, Chui Xing. You very evil lar!
Shu : What's with the ruler?
Chui Xing : Kar Yee said she needs to bring the 'nice' ruler to draw the smooth curves.
Shu : Oh my! *giggles tremendously and helplessly behind* That's the flexible ruler larh!
Chui Xing : I know, that's why Kar Yee has to bring her 'nice' pencil and 'nice' eraser too!

If you don't get the joke, Kar Yee supposed to say her flexible ruler instead of her 'nice' ruler. This is her so-called 'nice' ruler! LOL

Alright, I gotto go bed now.
International School of KL, baby!
toodles peeps!

tuning in : When It Was Me by Dj Boonie
feeling : depressed but 10% excited

2 said something! :

  1. you and your sis looked so alikeeee!
    yeah you're the cutest, happpy???!!!

  2. LOL, thats so sweet of you, Hui Nee! ahahahaha thanks. and I feeling better d:
