Saturday, March 14

All these completed one

Tuesday 10/03
I skipped school today due to the late sleep I had in the previous nights. As my friend, Shermaine and Ysabelle helped in updating my really dead site, I owe them one. Thanks babehs!

(Credits goes to Jo Ee, Aryl, Michelle, KenKe, Kenneth for supplying the pictures)
Spare some time for the pictures to load, heaps of them :)

Well, I followed a school trip to Redang, was really looking forward into this trip as the teacher promised wonderful accomodation and facilities. However, its quite a tiring journey as we gotto stuck our own body glued to the chair for like 8 freaking hours in the bus. And another 2 hours in the ferry to Redang Island. The moments for awaiting the bus to arrive on Friday night was quite drastic. Teachers told students to be school at 8.30 p.m. as the buses will be arriving at nine, BUT the freaking BAS SEKOLAH arrived at TEN because he doesn't know the way to SMK Kepong Baru. Whadturf, and some teacher even claimed we used to be his frequent customer. DAMN, waited for two hours in the school canteen feeding mosquitos in that 2 miserable hours. The following one was rather boring as we couldn't do much but to watch the show airing in the TV, in the bus - Cicakman. It was a funneh show, I supposed. The evil laughs sounded very alike with Afiq's voice, and there's a loads of clueless laughters I've heard because I wasn't paying attention to the show but to have my beauty sleep. Didn't really enjoy my sleep as the bus was speeding quite fast and the sudden brakes always caused the inertia of my body to move forward and banging right back to my own seat. Stopped at Temerloh for supper and eased ourselves after the three hours ride in the bus, and finally headed to the floating mosque for morning prayers, for Malays.

We reached Terengganu about 5 and teacher promised us Nasi Dagang for breakfast, however the caterer called off last minute and had to take away food from other stores. Had nasi minyak that morning, tempting and delicious as all of us were starving rather badly. Waited from eight to ten in the morning at the jetty for the ferry to arrive. Had loads of camwhore moments with the bunch of wacky people (Credits to Aryl for the pictures :D )

Boarded the ferry, rather packed as it is quite a small one, and we also went up to the deck. The breezy hot morning shone right on our heads and its such an unforgettable sight. More pictures to come.

Reached Teluk Dalam and it was such a depressing sight, rather dissapointed to see the accomodation there. No convenient stores, mamak, restaurants and all they had there were only boats and some weird looking hut. Alright, skipped that part, looking forward how our dorm gonna look like, the place for us to sleep and rest. Oh turf, as I entered the dorm with Michelle, Elaine & Jie Ying, the room was like NOT OCCUPIED since centuries ago. The mattresses were dark yellow in colour with some ugly marker pens drawings, and those moses grew on the pillows. Fugly right? Not only that, there's this gigantic lizard hanging at the back of the room. Earlier on, we thought it's a fake rubbery toy where the previous owners used to play pranks but well, the following next hour we entered the room, the frigging creature changed its position, and its fucking alive, we were really sure about that!

Somehow, we just had to leave it alone and headed to Berjaya Beach. Woosh, the sand were freaking white, as white as snow, as fine as salt and of course, the sea is blue, as salty as salt. *shrugs and grins*

We were supposed to have water orientation that afternoon, under that torturous sun, burning temperature. Thank god, we did applied sunscreen before going down to water and of course, those pretty guys used them too.

Shu says,

Tip #1 : Never forget sunscreen if you're heading to beach!

The so-called water orientation was supposed to boost our confidence level in water and allowing us get used to the BA ( Life Jacket ) before we go for snorkeling the following day. Certain girls struggled to get used to the BA and drank quite a loads of the sea water, including me. Salty giler and imagine if somehow you swallowed some tiny fishes while you gulped down sea water. *evil grins*

We went back to the dorm about evening & clean ourselves for the next event. Dinner time. Before I could brag anything about the dishes at night, I shall talk more about the toilet. The bathing process is something that I could never ever imagine I did. There's this three tanks filled with unknown water supply and several pails for you to fetch the water and clean yourselves. The tanks are black in colour, practically you couldn't see what's under the water and of course, what did you fetched inside the tank. Put some of your imagination skill in this.

Not only that, there's this cubicle with blood stains. Yewwwwww, felt really disgusted when I planned to enter the cubicle, oh turf. This is so KEM JATI DIRI!

On second thoughts, I regretted for participating this camp. Urgh, the night carried on with a talk by one of the instructor there, briefing on the event that's going to take place on the following day. Snorkelling - We're given a snorkeling gear each and every of us. He even mentioned we were the 33xx schools been here. So I'm like the 33xx students using the snorkeling gear.
Those fortunate ones managed to get the new equipments and most teachers get to use the new snorkeling gear. Biased nyer!

Had an early rest on the first night as we didn't really manage to get a good rest the night before, really tired and of course, the guys weren't that obedient as us, they were playing cards till midnight in the dorm and they managed to have 3 hours of rest. Have to join the early jog outside the dorm, with slippers and Vincent was half awake throughout the jog. LOL

Apart from that, we were served with breakfast, forgot what was it already, pardon me. We had quite a number of meals throughout the whole trip. Headed to turtle sanctuary about 10 and managed to do some charity work by clearing up the beach. Getting rid of those inorganic substance under the hot sun. Our sacrificial for the turtles awareness! :)

AHAKS, guess what we found on the beach during the cleaning process?
Two packets of unused condoms!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, something very unexpected, because according to Pearly, she said this place is very secluded and far away from any towns and cities. Something fishy going on there, maybe the turtles brought them here. LOL
I'll see if I could dig out some pictures Vincent and Derek were playing with the condoms at the streams.
Teeeheeeeee x)

Finally, we went back to dorm after the turtle sanctuary, had lunch & continue our journey to the next spot, Marine Park!
There's loads of tourists at that area, fishes and of course corals underwater. I didn't manage to swim to that area because of the heavy current, saddening but still, enjoyed watching the fishes swimming around me. Michelle is afraid of fishes and she got freaked out when fishes were around her. LMAO!

Aryl and some of the guys managed to see the giant eel, some sort of extinct marine species. He claimed that the eel was swimming around his feet and he got freaked out when that eel comes near him. Gigantic and is brown-black in colour. Urk!

After that, we hopped to another spot, so-called Island-hopping. We stopped at the clown fish spot, Nemo :) And we have to jump down from the boat. Yen Li was the first one to jump and she even screamed before she jumps. LOL following by Vincent, as he created a humongous splash when he landed into the sea. Of course, I gathered up my courage and joined the crew, jumped from the boat and somehow, Vincent brought me to see the jelly fish. I've heard of it's poisonous stings, freaked out suddenly and paddled really hard to get away from it. heehhee, accidentally kicked KamWhye's ribs and he said it was quite painful. LOL
Sorry, KamWhye! ):

Somehow, more and more people coming up to the boat, we thought of something new, jumping into the sea. Michelle and I had quite a numerous tries in jumping to the sea, adventurous and the sudden adrenaline gushed over my mind was something I'd never try before! *flash bangga smile*

I simply didn't bother whether how terrible would it be if those jelly fishes really sting and fishes nibbling my toes, gah! Since it's our last day in Redang, we should enjoy the trip till the max!
Went back in the late evening and get ready for our barbecue dinner.

We were actually very delighted for our barbecue since it stated it's our happy hour in the agenda. Well, looking out for the barbecue pit and stepped into the dining hall, what we found were only those bomb-like-aluminium-foiled-wrapped-food served on the table with white rice. THIS IS THE SO-CALLED BARBECUE.
Apart from this, these teachers were actually having their happy hour, karaoke-ing at the dining hall, causing ear drum damages to their beloved students.
lol, amusing right?

Next, they showed us some slideshows throughout our journey and basically the pictures and videos during the day at the beach. After ending his speech, we are allowed to go back to our respected dorm, pack our luggages and have a good rest because we'll be leaving early the day after the night. Instead, of getting an early rest, the girls and guys meet up at the badminton court and had a true or dare game. Everyone returned to their dorm at 2 and awake at 5. Theorically we only had 3 hours of sleep, practically some of them were too excited and homesicked, didn't really have enough of rest.

Reached Terengganu about eleven, visited Pasar Payang and some random Chinese streets, China Town - they named it. It's quite a busy street, but not that hustle and bustle compared to Kuala Lumpur. There's this crystal mosque but didn't manage to visit it due to insufficient of time :(

Pasar Payang ain't really a good tourist spot because there's a loads of Malay folks there buying their daily necessities, its more like a market because all the goods there are really cheap.
Finally we headed home straight to Kuala Lumpur and successfully reached the school at 12.05 a.m. in one complete piece. Mind me, the bus driver was speeding recklessly throughout the 7 hours journey! Its a pleasant yet memorable experience this Redang trip.
I'll miss you, Redang :(
*blow kisses*

Peektures time!

Jie Ying and meee

Michelle and saya :D

jetty! :D

The form fours.

Vincent and Aryl
Vincent trying to act cool and Aryl

The 3 8 version :D

Keith trying to look cute :X

emo version (But Aryl wasn't emo at all )

Michelle and Shu
(Vincent ain't the focus, skipped him)

Kam Whye and meeeee :D

Michelle and her breakfast - Nasi Minyak


She wants this

Keith thinks he's strong enough to push Vincent to the water

Taking our reflections and Aryl tengah syok sendiri :D

Group picture :D
Best-est shot!
(Although I look blind :S)

The street across the mall

Aryl (See the flash! :D)

Nasi Minyak ( our breakfast)

Best picture with my babe :D

show your sexy legs :D

Kam Whye, the cool & Michelle, the peace

From left to right ; Jie Ying, Shu, Elaine
"We'll always be together"

Ferry ticket (Love my number 73055)

Boarded the ferry

From left to right ; Kam Whye, Keith, Vincent

Miss Shortpie

Joee and Shu :D

Keith and Joey

Elaine and Shu

Jun Yoong a.k.a M&M's

Pelan Kecemasan

Elaine and me again! wakakaaa

From left to right; Kam Whye, Keith, Joee, Aryl

deck ; red: Xue Er, blue: Jo Ee, green: Christine

All the Kbians flooded the deck

Michelle and me

I miss my ponytail :(

Group picture again :D

Xue Er's hat flew to the sea
"Far across the ocean"

Vincent and Jie Ying
Vincent : Rose, you jump, I'll jump!
Jie Ying : Jack, I'll jump after you shed some weights.

Michelle and Shu

Shu and Aryl

lalalalalala, texting in the middle of the ocean *loves*

Tadah, I knew Aryl is snapping my picture :D

Keith with his evil intention.
"Muahahaha, I'd pushed you down and you shall never meet my love one again!"

Michelle with Kamwhye's cap and Aryl's sunnies


Welcome to Redang!

Our dorm

Front view

Teachers' Dorm

Girls' dorm on the left, Boys' dorm on the right

dining hall

Their neighbourhood

guys' dorm
(Their ones were actually much more neater and clean compared to ours)


Aryl giving body massage to Vincent

Sunset in Redang

Getting ready for morning jog

The lizard, cicak hutan they said

From left ; Vincent, Yen Ni, Keith, Christine, Lian Aik, Derek

We're like bunch of people smuggling to another country LOL

Turtle sanctuary

Vincent found his the condom!
Heading to Marine Park :D

Aryl and Michelle

Aryl and Vincent

After island hopping

Barbecue dinner

Lian Aik, they called him Ngau Zai

Mr. Tiong

Encik Faizal karaoke-ing

True or dare in the middle of night

Spot the uneven skin tone! TURF

Morning sun


Michelle, you look good in this shot!

Pasar Payang

Kam Whye and Jie Ying

Define Sokmo, Aryl.
Sokmo means smile in Terengganu slang :)

Idk who's this

Elaine obsessed over him,
Michelle likes him,
Jie Ying don't know him,
Kamwhye stares at him.

The budak sesats

Aryl, the wanderer.

KLCC is 288 km away.

Temple, don't know what is written on top there.

short arch for me :D
Not you, Kamwhye!

Our lunch site. The nasi lemak is good :D

Bubur Cha Cha, Pisang something and green bean soup :D

Crystal Mosque (I didn't get to go there, damn!)


Their public transport. (Nicer than rapid in Kuala Lumpur)

On the way back, another mosque.

Saturday 14/03

Owh yea, forgot to mention, I fell and tripped thrice this week, and hurt quite badly on my knee and elbow. Spare me some love, someone? OR maybe a lucky charm? Teeeheeeee :D
Weee, today is Sport's Day - my first time in my entire school life, I skipped Sport's Day and blogging out at home on my beautiful sunny morning. Inform me the results of today's event please? :b

Some pictures I had when we (Elaine, Jieying and me) went Jusco to get the necessities for Redang! The food in this particular restaurant, prefer not to disclose the name of this restaurant, ain't that bad. However, the hygenic matters spoiled my appetite for the day and I'll never gonna visit this restaurant ever again! (Ask me personally in msn for those who wanna know)

Pichas! (:

Mushroom soup

Nippon noodle

Cheese baked fillet

Ice-lemon tea and jasmine tea

Ernest's watch
(I'm wondering why is everyone wearing this watch nowadays)

I just informed of the results.
Overall Champion - Red House
Marching - Red House
Cheerleading - Red House
Tent decoration - Red House

& Green got 2nd placing.
Nvm, it's good enough compared to last year.
We got the last placing
GOOD JOB, Kun Kuan! :)
We love you.

Till here then people, I've been typing this for the past three days.
I need to get a shower.
Bye peeps!

tuning in : Just Dance - Lady GaGa
current mood : sleepyhead

5 said something! :

  1. Kesian for you to tripped.. Ok now?

  2. Thanks brother..! ahahaha Better lately except for the blue patches :D Geeeez, proud nyer with my essay. ROFL

  3. you're there also, and i know you actually meant your picture there. Nice pose KAH YEE! =))
