Thursday, April 2

I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh every day of my life

Good afternoon people.

As there's bunch of requests from my kakis to update this unfortunately unactivated site, the inner drive in me to start up a new post of what happened last night, I've to update not only for my own sake, but also for the remembrance of 28th of March 2009.

In conjunction with Earth Hour, it was a remarkable night to all the KBians too. Although I'm not a Leo member, glad that I'd participate in this spectacular night.
I knew this would be quite a late post, its MEMANG a super duper late post about the IR night. One week ago though, I bet the moments still linger in everybody's mind.

Anyway, the performances were awesome. They put up a really good show on that night - 1990'z, A Mile Away, We-need-a-name, 1 4 7 c Walkers,Timothy Au and Sarah.

hearts melt ;
played Taylor Swift - LOVE STORY
Woooots! *big claps for Timothy & Sarah*

Apart from that, not forgetting our superloved band, We-need-a-name! They even played Situasi by Bunkface! Song of the year of Class 5S and we heart that song :)
We danced our hearts out that night, it's something remarkable and inspiring for anti-social peeps like me :D
Was not only impressed by the grand occasion, honorable guests and loads more unfamiliar faces joined us for the charity night, they looked stunningly beautiful and charming especially the kid that dressed up in tuxedo.

JENG JENG, the night was still young and gotta leave about ten as my dad arrived rather early, surprisingly? We talked and joked even the car and headed home about 11. POOF, and jumped into a hot shower for a refreshing sleep :P

Peektures :)
( Credits to Liz, Chelle and those that contributed pictures in my site. Thanks! )

Liz, Shu and Chelle

a closer view of us *grins*

Hearts you to bits!

my kaki :D

sue san and karyee

Big eyes vs Small eyes
( I know you're proud of your eyes. ish )

Group picture.
Raxine, Aryl, Chelle, Karyee and Chuixing

Finally I keep my promise and posted this long post. Awww, its short but I'm lacking of inspiration to write these days.

Anyway, Happy Belated April Fool's day people.
I'm late for the wishes but I'm making up for it. See this :D

I wrote this on the April Fools' eve. I thought of those peeps that might be missing me loads, and this simply shows I care & think of you :) *blow kisses*
Don't angry kay if I'm late for the updates x)

Another reasonable point :D

Although my desk was in a big mess, I still make an effort to write a note just to delight your interest for coming back to my site for updates! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
*flash lovely grins*

Anyhow, I love to talk more.
I'm pretty long winded sometimes. *flips hair*
& I need to go.


tuning in : Because of you - Kelly Clarkson
current mood : need anti-depression pills?

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

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