Monday, April 6


I'd been through sweet sixteen. At thirteen I was diagnosed with insomnia. The black rings under my eyes caught everybody's attention except my mother's. She never looked at me ever since that day. My insomnia never deterred me. I was still a bright student, supposed.

I thought I was moving on.

Was sweet sixteen.
I was fourteen when my friends started to make fun of my skin colour. They said I was too pale and was called Snow White. I came home complaining to my mother yet she turned her back on me and asked me to leave her room. I ran to my room and looked into the mirrow. I am beautiful, I'd repeated numerously to myself.

I was lying to myself.

I am sweet sixteen. I just blew imaginary candles, ate a blueberry cake I bought for myself from the school canteen. My friends surrounded me and sang the sweetest melody of all - a birthday song. It was the happiest time of my life and how much I hope that the seconds will just remained ticking at the same spot. Suddenly, I could feel salty, thick liquid flowing from my mouth. Blood. Was rushed to the hospital.


Now, I am sitting in front of the doctor trying to figure things out. Mother never told me that I'd lacked of white blood cells. She never warned me about today nor explains anything about leukaemia. The lack of white blood cells explained why I am so pale all this while. My parents do not want to be responsible for my death.

"Let me sleep."

Last words in mind before I looked at the light for the last time with tears in my eyes.

P.S : It's just part of the lines in this really touching story I'd read from a novel. I can't help myself but to share this with everyone. Go ahead and enjoy the flow


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