Saturday, May 16

Evil clowns and balloons shouldn't go together.

Hello ;

Feeling insanely happy because finally I got to sit in front of my laptop and started typing something at least, but ultimately depressed, having nothing in mind to write about. Crap, what the hell am I babbling now?

*act in a bimbo tone*
It must be the hot shower that cooked the cells in my brain! Hey. Pause and think, well, it's just random. And I was just lying about cells could be cooked under hot shower, but in high temperature; yes.

Let's see, I'm finally down with my additional mathematics assignment and greet hello to my biology reference. Good gracious, next week would be pretty torturous when all the tough papers are pilled up in one week, 5 holy days in school. & when the teacher walked over to my table and could not able to wake me up although she shout, slap, pinch, kick me, call 999. I must be staying up late too often which resulted insufficient of rest & faints in class, especially with the temperature nowadays plus the bad feng shui of my place, stuck at the very right end corner in my classroom.

Apart from that, nothing much happened last week. I updated a post about that; Moral papers on Friday was kinda laid-back. I doubt if I could score in my moral paper this time. Well, I didn't expect those that I did not revised. You get what I mean? Met Sai in toilet and gave her answers. *staring at computer screen and laughs* Was laughing my arse off when she ran out of the toilet to get a pen but couldn't manage to jot down the answers on her palm, passed her the paper for easier access during the exam. Choy was copying the answers, th-infamous Vincent.

After Moral paper, went out ahMoiku to get cendol. The well-known Sue San's cendol because she's always promoting cendols for that stall. (Aunty, I think you should get Sue San to be your ambassador. Sure banyak business giler.) Plan to get some food, since ahMoiku said she wanna eat something filling but gotta reach school before 1.45, or I'm gonna missed my bus again.
Headed to Zoom Stationary Shop after lunch to get her fancy papers for the assignment. I saw something I wanna get long time ago. Those balloons can be stretched really long and shaped into vary sizes.

See this? The green one looks so wrong.

However, I have no idea how to twist those balloons into shapes. Wait till I get a clown boyfriend, kay? He'll teach me by that time. *choi, choi, choi & touchwood* Afterall, it's just a joke. Nightmares will be haunting me down every night by that time. Whenever I turned my head to him on the bed, his big red nose is right in front of my eyes.

I find the second clown looks effin scary with the bloody background.
oh my! *shivers*

After purchasing her papers, we went over to the candy rack. Saw some really cute mini package with white wrappers. AhMoiku used to like them a loads when she was young. I think she must be kind enough to make up that lie and trick me in getting that thing into my mouth.

Stepping out from the shop ;

Shu : *unwrapping the candy box* Are you sure it's safe to be consumed?
Michelle : I used to eat a loads when I was young.
Shu : It's made in Indonesia. Safe a not larh?
Michelle : Open larh.
Shu : Why like bombshell & round? Look like balls. You eat first. *pick up one blue-black ball*
Michelle : Eat together. One, dua, three.

We spat out after 5 seconds in mouth, 2 seconds of chewing. Gross, it taste awesomely bitter and weird in the same time. Could not believe I allow that ugly ball into my mouth. I felt like slapping the whoever that came up with this cute packaging with fugly artificial flavouring. Crap larh, rinsing my mouth with Listerine a couple of time wouldn't help. I think Dettol would make a difference. I must be gone out of my mind if I were to rinse my mouth with Dettol. *bangs head to the wall*

On the way back to school, bumped into Hui Nee. So ahMoiku walked back home with Hui Nee, & left me behind, heading back to school alone, although she knows I'm really bad in remembering the routes & streets nearby our school. You couldn't blame me for that, the houses there look freaking the same. Damn. But I still made it alive, reaching school in one piece, and bumped into Lao Jo, Lao Ti and Kah Chuah. Waited alone in the canteen for my transport to arrive asap; I wanna catch up with the last episode of that Singaporean drama.

Friday's night was boring, stuck at home facing four blank walls, watching at the TV screen with sister, drooling over the hawt actor. I'm just a little exaggerated. Well, he looks so manly with his tanned-healthy-looking-skin. First and foremost, in my two peas' worth of opinion, he's the first and only tanned-looking actor which I find him really good looking and hawt, am not a big fan of tanned-skin-guys. Th-healthy-not-so-tanned will do :)

Who else other than sizzling Louis Koo?

Eh, somehow reminded me of Louis Chan. *flips hair and continue typing* Talked to ahMoiku till late hours last night, went crazy over blogshop & had heart-to-heart talk session with her. Thanks for being there through the thick and thin. Fell asleep when was waiting for my hair to dry due to the late shower I had. Sorry Mun to keep you waiting for an hour.

I need to touch my Biology book before my result keels me.
Good night.


tuning in : Blame it On the Alcohol - Jamie Foxx

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