Saturday, May 16

Finally I can kiss the hell off my tight study schedule. Say hello people to my ideal plans in holidays. Sadly, couldn't be excused from book tho this weekend, dad insisted I have to attend my tuition in the morning. It was a very bad week afterall, shall elaborate more on updates! Go.


Previous night, watching Terminator 3 with dad and sister on the coach, & snoozed till sister woke me up for bed. Feeling way so crappy and decided to hang on the phone a little while before tugging myself to bed. Random talk with her made me a better person somehow, feeling open to all criticism and there she goes, babbling from A to Z, every flaws I had, & hear out her rants throughout the late hours. Doze off by 3 morning.

Aroused at 3 in the noon by mom to get my brunch, and got dressed up to go out with dad to the mall. Feeling grumpy (part of it, am feeling so sleepy) & wasn't in a desire mood to restock on my groceries, headed to the nearest bookstore and spent my time till dad got his stuffs done. Honestly, is this the sign of getting old nowadays that I'm experiencing sulkiness and being uber cranky in every tiny detail? wtf


I spelled early today. Went out for a jog with dad & sister in the park about 8 & waited for mom to get ready for breakfast. It'd been quite a time we spent time together with dad ever since he changed his job. Sigh, it'd never been easy to meet him ever since then especially during the weekends. Yea, he brought us to the badminton court, new and recently established at my area & ready to explore. Met Ben over there with his sister.

Later on, went to Kepong to bungkus the cendol (inside story *cough) and pampered myself with some tauhufa. Tucked myself to bed as I reached home after my lunch and went out in the night time. Jeng Jeng Jeng, you've no idea who I met there?

Mr. Ho aka Secondary Two Mathematics Teacher!

Woots, he went there with family and my dad was shocked to see him there. Apparently, he forgotten how my secondary two teacher looks like and asking gobs of question about him. Our conversation sounded this way ;

Him : Why don't you walk over there and greet him?
Me : Can't you see he's enjoying his meal with his family? Gimme a break!
Him : It's a polite gesture. I see nothing wrong by walking over and say a word hi. He's your teacher, right?
Me : Yes.. NO! He was ONCE my mathematic teacher?
Him : He's was once & still your teacher, agree?
Me : Gah, fine.
Him : Aren't you supposed to get your butt off the chair then?
Me : Errr...

(The waitress serves the dishes on the table )

Him : Why are you sitting here?
Me : To heal my hunger pangs!
Him : ...

Mommy and sister burst out laughing when dad went speechless. After all, while I was busy enjoying my meal, he left and I ended up not greeting him. Hello, it's darn awkward to see my teacher when he's wearing his house tee & in short pants as I always see him in school in proper attire. Anyway, left about nine, sister felt sick after having meal in that restaurant.


2/3 of paper down. One final piece tomorrow! Gosh, physics paper was so tough which I barely know how to answer most of the questions in the paper & slept throughout the periods I had for the paper. I nearly passed out in class when I was doing the exam because it'd been a really hot day, & Mr.Ong was so delighted to present his long-winded speech that morning, adding temperature to the surrounding. Stuffy and unventilated assembly contributed much as I'm unable to stuff in facts into my tiny brain. (Sorry Ong to push the blame on you)

Bio tuition was interesting. Sundram finally reached the

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore. And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore. When do you think it will all become clear. Cause I'm being taken over by the fear.

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