Tuesday, May 19

His words like music to her ears

Hello ;

Could not be bothered to attend school today. Mix of feelings again today, was thinking whether to stay in bed or followed mom to the morning market. Struggled deciding in between both in split seconds as dad was about to leave the house, haled to the bathroom and dressed up in less than 5 minutes. Imagine how messy could my hair turn out to be in the crowd. Anyway, it's just morning market, it's not like larh I'm gonna meet any celebrities nor my school mates there. If I did, I bet they just did the same thing as me, playing truant. *bitch mode : am gonna report to the discipline teacher if they did*

I guess many of my mom's friends (those bitchy aunties and jobless uncles) don't even know the existence of me, & they went wonders, asking my mom am I her child? Wtf, do I look like her sister or maybe her mom? Oh, maybe I do, if I put on a wig and hold a tongkat.

and look like this.
I'm definitely looking old with this appearance

and this.
Maybe it's too cute for me.

Was modifying my blog this morning. Now you see some changes at the background of my site & also some tiny weeny modification in the font. If I did not mention about this, I doubt if anyone could actually notice that. Hallelujahs, missysa and ahMoiku didn't attend school today. Missysa said she's having red eyes while ahMoiku giving an excuse she was too tired and unable to focus in school even if she attends. Well, so I guess Elaine is the only hardworking one among us that attended school today. Update me kay? Biology Paper III & Chemistry Paper III tomorrow!

Yesterday Biology's class was interesting. Maybe due to the topic hormones, *cough cough* to be exact, plant hormones got missysa went dumbfounded in class. She was so blur in class that I actually explained to her about it. Oh crap, it's Biology. Was unsure about the explanation I made was 100% true, I asked Ernest about that for assurance. And Elaine came up with a new term, Shulogy. If anyone is going to use the Shulogy terms invented into Biology SPM papers, equivalent to digging your own grave.

Oh right, I recalled this. Smarty ass missysa thought paragraph symbol is the same as pi symbol and showed us the table she used in the additional mathematics assignment. Bursting into laughter, wanna snapped a picture of it to be posted in blog, but she didn't allow me to.
*take in deep breaths*

moving on...

Physics class wasn't really a blast that night. More on revision form 4, so was totally clueless what's going on and missysa was asking for the assignment details. Teacher scolded & we kept quiet, not really the quiet ones but in low profile. Once again, it turned out to be a mockery when Elaine tried to relate one of the questions to Biology terms, and once again relates to Shulogy.

Shu : Next time, when I grown up, one day I'll become like Sundram, teaching Biology. But well, I'll be teaching Shulogy. And everybody will have to study me.

*burst into laughter*

SO yea, be prepared for Shulogy in the future.
Oh crap, why am I being ridicule these days. *slaps self, bang wall and die*

*resurrects self and continue*
Have not done with the schedule, was busy tidying my desk since last weekend till now & finally done with it. A picture of now and before.

Before the cleaning session

My chair was piled up with books too


*drum rolls*

TADAH! very clean right?
*nods in agreement*

Jeremybaby was in my house yesterday evening and earlier on this morning. He was too cute to handle.


He sneaked into my room when I was writing this and he went ooh-aah when he saw his pictures on the laptop. Am hugging him while completing this post.

Ciao dulu, having lunch with him and mommy.

A lovers' pact
the most likely to last.

tuning in : Pokerface

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