Sunday, May 3

i love this record baby but i can't see straight anymore

Hello people
It's getting late & past my bedtime hours. Should have tuck myself in bed before my dad starts his never-ending nags. Anyhow, was on the phone with Elaine most of the nights and cracked a really silly joke.

Shu : Hei, guess what? I went to the bak kut teh store & met with these bunch of lala. They dressed up like freaks.
Elaine : Lala? You know what's the difference between oysters and shells?
Shu : What's wrong with them?
Elaine : Oysters are the higher grade of lalas, average would be lalas, & the lowest would be shells. (Si Ham)
Shu : *speechless* Oh, whaddehell. I got it then! *rofl.

Feeling so sick these days.
Gotta go bed.

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