Saturday, July 25

When Zac turns beanie


I have not been keeping up to track with the blogosphere these days. Geee, Adele archuleta got her own domain while I was surfing and blog hopping this afternoon, just to find out there are actually many great potential bloggers out there. Oh my, lets skip for updates!


Ahmoiku joined us for biology tuition that day and had this really weird feeling in Cekap. Could have be the post-traumatic stress disorder probably. Anyway, the weather was really terrible and I simply hate public transports, mind you public bus especially. Although it was not as packed compared to KTM during the peak hours(sardined), still you could sense something is just so wrong, the mood and atmosphere. Was grumbling on my way to the bus stop & I aboard the bus as it stopped in front of me, on the very right corner of my eyes, spotted a really cute looking gud in his twenties, dressed in a pink polo tee and a white frame glasses. Right, he does looks charming at the first sight, kay? Just so it happened, I sat next to him, since there's only two seats available, next to cute guy & an Indian lady. His eyes are so mesmerizing & has this super high nose bridge. So, at least, I'm feeling contented larh when he turned and gave me a smile as I purposely have my bottle next to me and accidentally knocked his arm. FML, his smile enticed meh ):

Reaching the next stop, about my destination, his phone rang. He took out his chio blackberry from his side pocket, and gave a chuckle, picked up his call.

"Hello, sayang!"

I was stunned and rooted to my seat for the past 3 seconds after listening to that phrase. Chills ran down my spine. OMFG, my mouth was wide open and couldn't imagine that's just what slipped out from his tongue. Not because of what have he just said, but the slang he used and emphasized his 'sayang'.

He sounded so geih!

He has this typical mother tongue slang(He's a Chinese, judging his conversation) and rojak-ed with some sort of Teochew dialect, if I'm not mistaken. Plus, his hand movements added up to assurance of the sight. Honestly, I can't believe my eyes & ears.

Imagine manly Zac Efron with Mr. Bean's voice, in the comedy, doing the Paris Hilton's pose.

I can't stop my fingers but to ring the bell & got myself quickly off my seat & the bus.
This is when we called, "Never judge a book by its cover."

Arrived tuition but did not bothered to spill the entire story to girlfriends because I'm sure it would be a laughing stock throughout the class. Hell-embarassing larh!
(I'm so gonna laugh at this again!)

21/07/09 & 22/07/09

Had four papers in a day. Screwed History and Additional Maths papers. Physics was quite an easy one, managed to apply the formulae without much effort & got so fucked up with Chemistry. Pissed & mad at myself for not doing any revision the night before. What else heh? Biology was the toughest among all. Simply clueless of what the heck is the whole paper about & snoozed off during the paper. English, essential subject is always an easy task, but heck Ivan mentioned to us, we did that paper in previous classes but turned out to be sheets that we have never come across before.

Stayed back for chess club since this is the last meeting for my senior year. Have been a really inactive member beginning of the year because tad lazy to stay back for some chess game sessions. Went to Elaine eniale's house with ahmoiku, lazing around before getting back to school. It's comfortable to rant our hearts out in Elaine's crib & them, having their 2xminyak-minus-a scoop-ofrice. *inside joke*

Reached school a minute late & nearly got ourselves into some sort of awkward scenes & finally, Shu had her very first and last attendance of the year in Chess club member list.


A teacher fall off her chair & have been the hot topic in the entire fifth formers, maybe the staffroom too. I've heard from 5B, she was napping in class and suddenly one of the legs of her chair slipped, and poor lady fell to the ground. BUT, she made a big fuss out of it.

Perempuan sarat mengandung dan jatuh dari kerusi.

She cursed the students in that class, saying they did not bothered to warn the teacher that the chair was broken and claimed it was just plain disrespectful of them doing so. Just so before that scene took place, the teacher before that period, mentioned to her "Kerusi tu dah rosak." yet, that statement most probably slipped off her mind, as she's such an 'enthusiastic' teacher. She hardly gave a damn to that & sat the chair.

Conclusion : She fell for the very first time in my 5 years of high school, no pun intended

Hey I would love to say more but I gotta go.
xoxo; loves.

P.S : Just so if you come across my blog, Mr. Pink Polo Tee, honestly you really have to improve your communication skill.

Friday, July 24

Blue moon

Will update tomorrow.
Flu and mild sore throat definitely sums up to more rest and sleep.

P.S : I have not consult any doctor yet, I certainly pray hard its not that deadly flu, H1N1.
P.P.S : Feeling anticipated to meet ahmoiku tomorrow morning ;D
P.P.P.S : Unrelated title/subject again

Friday, July 10

Wrong is right!

Had been missing in action for a period, short or long, judge it with your preference. Well, I've been missing much lately, have not been checking out much & giving much damn whats right and wrong, precisely rest of my 30 days after reaching seventeen. A tough month, though apparently it doesn't perceived I was having much struggles in both studies and relationships. Honestly, what if I do, would that make any difference?

Depression engulfed rest of my weeks, and yet I'm still putting on my pokerface in front of mates because there weren't any suitable period of time expressing my daily emotions & especially when you opt to be a really tough & jolly person in front of everyone. I've yet to spill most of my feelings in the site but well, having thoughts in mind when my parents would eventually come across with this, that just simply push the delete button whenever I felt busted. It is simple to broke down in tears but its never easy to express.

Frantic with anger when had heated arguments with family and mates, but where could I turn to? When things went wrong & everything is inverted, changing from one form to another?

There's a point of time, I thought of closing down the site for spilling too much emotions in blog & yet, question; why is it still here then? Obvious enough to show that I'd slipped that to the very back of my mind, & continued my flow of blogging. In conjunction with that, this is also the month I started blogging 365 days ago, & now refreshing what's gone in my life.

Hello, I did tried to make a change okay ):
Sorry for neglecting the purpose to blog for the past few weeks, sorry loves!
For a kick start, I'd be blogging the Twitter way, for instance; the numbering form due to the lack of memory cells in my teeny weeny brain - I could hardly recall the dates, sorry
Updates, now we go!


  1. Had two weeks of long school break, could hardly step out of the house due to the bad hair day & merely because of this, I really deserve a haircut, desperately.
  2. OMGfuckingnice of Vincent to drove us out for lunch, made us waited at the street with the loaded school bags and textbooks & apparently he drove around Kepong area, just in case we were lost and couldn't find our way there, due to his 5mins-driving-session from Sri Bintang to school turned fuckin' bitter. &yet met him there in the stall, after our meal. Haoyan gotta leave before 3 and Vincent offered to fetch all of us back to school, included Cicakman Fiq was in the car too. The roller-coaster ride in Kancil was hell-breathtaking. Fled through bumpers and road stops & drove like there's no tomorrow was insanely madness with all the hoo & hah behind, & managed to reach school in one perfect piece. Cicakman's mom was outside of the school waiting & couldn't joined us for the second ride to another stop, for Vincent's lunch.
  3. Skipped school on Teachers' Day because it was like the typical routine of daily school plus, some lame boring shows and long-winded speeches. Had enough for the past 4 years.
  4. Got myself in deep shit when results are distributed. Had a massive arguments with parents at home & got away from house in the noon. Met ahmoiku & elaine eniale in the restaurant. Totally ranted my heart out & fucking cursed everyone who get in my way.
    But just so I was at the utmost depression, they were my only pillar of strength. I still remember the moral lesson heh? *inside joke*
  5. Oh right, had mamak session with daddy in the middle of night after picking me up from ahMoiku's place &treat ourselves ugly tosei & awesome-cheeese naan! (The same day I left house!)
  6. Surprisingly, the day before school carnival was just so not a pleasant one. But well, Saturday make up to it, done my duties in one of the stores & hung around with ahmoiku and elaine eniale before they ditched me for olympiad. Edison Wong was there too & the day was just freaking tired & dad drag me out of the hell. This was the first time dad being the superhero in my high school drama! ahahahaha
  7. Birthday babies

Happy Birthday, Keith!

You're always pink whenever you're excited/shy/agitated/workout. Funneh to say, I find you really cute sometimes whenever you try so hard to please me with that babyfats-cute face you hang around 24/7 . I've never been close to you before this, till after I regained my status; single at the point of time, we talked and shared details about one another in life, not all though. And yea, everything was just so tad hilarious whenever conversation takes place between us and you never failed brighten up my day! You'll feel better after my belated wishes. *flash bangga smile*

Trust meh :D

P.S : Claim your mcflurry before expiry date : 30th July 2009!


Happy Birthday Kenyi a.k.a Canteen!

You've always been the one advising me when things aren't going the right way. I could often rant everything to you through messages and conversations & hell I always chose to neglect your advices and failed to practice what you preached. But brother, I felt so fuckinglygrateful to you for being there whenever I need a listener, esp when it was in the middle of night. & yes, thanks for always getting me the credits! ;D

P.S : Quitted the lollipop addiction.


  1. Sneaked foods into class and munched them with ahmoiku and elaine eniale. It was just fuckingawesome to have food during history periods :(
  2. Have not completed my essays and paperworks for BM lessons ever since the beginning of the year. I swear, I did wanna try to complete them though, just too lazy. Some other time, perhaps ;)
  3. Weeeeeee, dad got me contact lens for the first time, though I tried purchasing them via online & I could hardly fit them into my bloody small eyes. Well, he got me power lens for studying purpose, he emphasized. )=
  4. Good gracious, school changed the system & started the new messaging thingy. It's just so fucking jobless of them to come up with such an unreasonable system. A message was delivered to my parent, saying your child did not turn up today in school. Kindly present a MC the following day. Smart asses, they used rojak-ed languages and called this a message from a school. Wtf, this is just so freaking ridiculous.
  5. Had pan mee the other day in Elaine eniale's house and supposed to have our group study session but turned out to be a beauty class instead. We should really keep ahmoiku away from mirrors.
  6. SPM is nearer by now :(
  7. July babies!

Happy Birthday Mun Loong!

Hey, this is the first birthday I ever wished you though, knew you through the Sunway program since February 14, it's really easy to remember & basically you're freaking hilarious in times & sweet too. Apart from trying hard to crack a joke when I'm feeling bored/down, honestly I appreciate them a loads. From the bottom of my heart, you're a really genuine friend. Oh yea, in my first thought, I thought you were a Malay, judging by your skin tone, appearance & dialect till I found out that you're actually a Chinese and Buddhist. LOL!

Happy Birthday Kee Vin!

Gahhh, I could hardly search your picture in any websites. Anyway, we've been in the same high school for the past 4 years & yet I could hardly get to talk to you, till you finally transferred to our class last year. I still remembered you used to wear green uniforms in the afternoon session & always put on a really cold smile to everyone around you. Last year, you're kinda left out in class due to the sudden change of environment & culture in my class. Definitely, I still find it hard to communicate with you, apparently you seem to be shy & quiet. Well, never judge a book by its cover does applied to this case then. Glad to have you in my class.


It's the fucking-longest run I ever completed. Well, it's supposed to be a 5km marathon race, but I guessed Missysapamelo and I took a shortcut at one of the checkpoint, deducted 120 metres, and sum up to 4.78km. What? Everyone did the same thing okay! And so we ran & completed the course in about 2 hours or less. Sheesh, should have stopped at the mamak & grab a drink. Wonder what could have happen? Anyhow, after the long run, everyone switched to emo mode, & skipped class a little while. Had hearttoheart talk with missysapamelo after every bad detail and slowly turned out to be some sort of lame funneh conversation.

Happy birthday Jackson!

You'd just grow older by a year again. Legal by an extra year.

P.S: Consider other vivid colours for your spectacles frame.

As you see here, I totally changed the entire colors in my site, but the layout remained the same. The site will regain its normality soon enough, after you grab your cup of coffee from Starbucks. Random though?

I need to freaking rest after the long journey.

You said I must eat so many lemons,
'cause I am so bitter.
I said I'd rather be with your friends mate,
cause they are much fitter
