Monday, December 14

No, seriously

Good morning earthlings.

I know you've been shouting and screaming for more updates. Here we go! Oh wait, I heard those voices, shutup! You don't have to remind me how retarded-looking was I in the picture, or maybe I do always.

Well, I did somehow managed to pull it through the thick &thin for the past one month, practically not succumbed to the truth, that high school is finally over already. And end of the year is around the corner, it simply sounds more of going to party and getting to know more people, I smell alcohols :D

No, you got it wrongly. Neither an alcoholic nor a smoker, that disgust me a lots. Alright, I got a little too long-winded. Chemistry paper wasn't that good but I was basically looking forward to go out for a little shopping after the papers.

And we went Millwheel after that. It was totally heart-wrenching to think that we might probably go in separate ways after this last meet-up. Everyone, practically leave the same old spot and move on with their goals and dreams. Pathetic, I'm still stucked in NS by that time. Of so many teens in this country, why am I the lucky one enlisted?

That's a really big question to the ministry. It's so freaking unfair! Yes, it comes to no avail though I gave a fucking damn about it. *WHINE WHINE WHINE ARR!

Anyway, I'm supposed to be glad, chosen for the first batch, with the most holidays in it according to most people around. Seriously, I can't believe I shed my tears for this frigging  I shall blog about NS after I'm back!

Let's cut short, more pictures.
I'm so emotional distress over it now :(

Pictures credit to Chelle.

Family portrait

Let me elaborate how this picture was taken. It started off with a friendly talk I had with the waitress in the shop. So she was really warm &kindly explain to me what's on the menu although it's clearly written on the table, which I didn't notice it when I sat down. After that, we had stupid camwhoring sessions in the shop &met my long-lost tuition mate there, Emerson. Somehow, I didn't know why do I have such a short urinary tract or small urinary bladder, I tend to attend to nature's call very often, make my way to the loo with Elaine. The kind waitress yet offered to lead us the way to the loo but it was too creepy. We did went up to the stairways but freaked out after a few blows of wind on our neck. We ran down instead & got ourselves back into the shop, laughing our hearts out while holding on my urge to pee, FML.

In process of having this beautiful portrait, Chelle blurted out something really funneh - joke of the day. Did you realize the lady looks like Aputha Marry?  We were like laughing our ass off in terror & the lady was really nice to offer to snap picture for us for the second time, I felt so bad now.

My lesby-friend

Ignore the face, ain't really posing for the shot.
Was really trying hard to stuff Chemistry notes into my brain at very last minute.

Bye humans, off to get some sleep today.
Brekkie tomorrow with the girls (:

Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!

Saturday, December 5

Bra and panty


I have not updated in a while &judging from the views per day, I can tell all my readers are bored and stop coming back, right?

See, I know you guys are mean! 
You're hoping for miracle update aren't you?

Fine, you have my word, fellow readers!

On 8th December, sweetpies!

While you're still reading here, why not drop me a comment on my new layout? :D


It's not right because I turn around and let it slide
And I'm crazy for thinking that someday change things
When you keep on crossin' the line