Thursday, April 1

If you're a bird, I'm a bird.

Hello human!

Let just move on to updates ;D

National service had not only allow me to experience certain situation under different circumstances. It's like a whole new pack of exposure to the cultures in Sarawak. Perhaps, I may not know well about the people there, but there's a very big different between us and theirs. In terms of the popularity, the places in KL are always fully crowded by homosapien, you see humans everywhere you go. Trust me, even the at those back lanes of certain streets, you know where I meant! Besides that, their hospitality are just so awesome, they talked to us in a polite manner, despite some of us from East Malaysia could hardly understand their dialect. Honestly, my host from Kuching, Hui Shan and her family, gave me an experience of a lifetime. I had 5 days of Chinese New Year break out of the camp, and lodge at her place for 4 nights. It's like we are strangers before this but her cordial reception was amazing.

Very first day in Kuching. 
Its a wet CNY this year for me. Raining cats and dogs in Sarawak during Chinese New Year, according to one of the locals there 

Gui Chap, combination of chee cheong fun and bak kut teh!


My generous host brought me to Kenyalang Street. She said it is Kuching's version of Petaling Street. 

I spot this restaurant and snap this picture very surreptitiously! because they don't allow pictures. But the decorations and ambiances are SHOOO vintage! 

Look what I've found in my host's grandparents house. 60's radio

and extinct cameras! 


Victrola record player, damn antique loh all of their house decorations.

Her family owns two big ponds like this!

us, camwhoring under the hot sun. 

Dolled, catch up for a movie with the girls 

MBO cinema. 
I babeh snapped a lots of vain pictures in the mall but I'm just too lazy to post 'em all up. 

Seriously, there's still much room for improvement in their services. The ticketing counter queue was terribly long &packed. 

(I know you guys must be thinking, you paid only ten bucks to watch a movie, why complain so much?)

FYI, the ten bucks should satisfy my movie crave, and includes make me a happy child watching the show I want,and getting the tantamount of satisfaction I deserved. Hello, what happened to the customer rights I have? I walked out from the cinema with a frown on my face! In addition to that, it wasn't a pleasant 2 hours of sitting down, munching on those diabetic popcorns because I was fucking perspiring! 

 Ratings : 4/10
It wasn't that bad, afterall I do support local products! 

Back to the National service, let's proceed ;D

Let's see the pros and cons of this programme. I've talked to one of the trainer there, practically the Head of Discipline in my camp. He's quite a pleasant man to talk to, even with the really monotonous tone he had to use. We had a conversation, something like a heart-to-heart talk between a dad and his daughter, I would have to admit this - there is a strong connection between us, it's like I'm not worry to share my thoughts with him despite he's a disciplinary teacher, and I'm very much comfortable to let to him know my point of view in most of the situations. He even encourages us to marry at young age after you have settle down your career.

A very decent picture of him, Encik Azezi and Hui Woon

Priscilla and Hui Woon 
I'll never forget the night we spent together, with only torch, from writing letters to havin' hearttoheart talks, sudden adrenaline rush when we heard door cracks, &laughing over the silliest pose!  

Yin Ing
Appreciate those caring moments we had together, bursting in tears, guilt-free when we sabotaged others, fucking hilarious conversations we had throughout our journey till the end of this programme.

KOLO MEE! their popular dish

For those who is curious about how my bed looks like, this is it! 
It's very much the same with the others, except that my bedsheets and pillowcase is in blue after a week there!

Oh, they have this really thick mist in the morning too! 
We only see that in highlands and rarely happen in KL :(

Pondok when we need a break!
 A good hangout place in the middle of night, watching ze moon &stars

What else?

Oh wait, I simply wouldn't forget the moments I shared with you, bitches! Those teenyboppers are acting like some twatty posers, and can't they just fucking behave like a civilized lady from this century, perhaps at least be well-behaved in those formal events. OMGWTFBBQ, they were screaming and shouting like nobody business when the others are taking their nap, fucking inconsiderate and intolerant. It's not your big mama's house, biatch! You know who you are.


My feelings were like all jumbled up in a pool of marbles. Was so desperate & excited to go home, at the same time, feeling very depressed to leave the girls and friends I had over there. My parents picked me up from the airport. The first sight when I stepped out of the arrival terminal, OMGWTFBBQ! That's my parents, fucking happy to see them after three months of homesickness! Reached home about noon while the chicks came over to my place before meeting up with the guys at Kanna.

OU updates next time till I got the pictures from Michelle.
And oh, I miss you mrcutesmile, despite the distance we had to bear with, I'll hold on to you 

I miss my hair too *wtf! pun-intendedactually*