Friday, May 7

It is my momma's day

Mothers' Day is around the corner.

Oh, what can I recall how did I celebrate Mother's Day last year and also few years back? It never seems to be a good memory about it though. I still remember the scene was just awkward and epic after throwing a big fight in the family. Never judge one when you never personally know. It seems to be a fact, that I never expect people nowadays could turn into such a whiner, all they could thought of was just, thinking what can they receive but never once come across their mind about what could they give.

Why so selfish larh?

How did all these random thoughts ran through my pea-sized brain?

Personally, I often think that how did I brought to the world.
Who controls birth? Why am I delivered? Is there a reason to it?

Oh maybe I do.

Because my parents were young and naïve, they totally forget about prevention. Or they need a child to complete a family? Perhaps, on second thoughts, they simply just want me in their lives. So now which may appeal to be the correct one? Certainly I would pray and cross fingers they actually appreciate and want me for the sake of having me as their child and not due to certain traditional family customs. It would be quite saddening if I would to find out the fact that my parents were hoping for a boy, but to find out they gave birth to a cock-less one. It may sound very rude here, because I practically find it very offensive for the parents these days,(I’m not pin-pointing anyone here) just the thoughts of it when I often come across several elders that generally assumed that boys make better grandchildren compared to the girls. That's generally how the society thinks and works on the same concept, they are just sexism. Why would they always wanna make comparisons on females and males? Aren't us all creation of God and we were all given the same label? 

Question ; is there a necessity and right for the society to judge our abilities?

It's not wrong for them to state their views but also to realize that it's up to nobody to judge what a person a can do. Human tend to outshine their greatest strength when they have to overcome obstacles in life, and basically when there's a competition, then here comes improvement. 

It's not wrong to born babies larh! Our country need more people larh!

Well, for this, I would refer to the family with unstable and low income. Why would they have to bear with the pains and financial matters when they couldn't run the family well and having plenty of children? It's education that matters. I don't wanna accustomed by the mindset of having a big family is a bliss. Perhaps, when I grow old, I would take back that sentence. Nevertheless, who don't hope for a family filled with laughter and giggles of these young lively bright kids? However, before deciding to build a family 'officially' it takes up lots of consideration and spare some thoughts of certain aspects. 

  • Can you give them shelter, a conducive environment for a proper development for your child?
  • Have you prepare yourself to commit yourself entirely to the family, taking up the responsibilities to be come the role model to your child?
  • Are you prepared emotionally, mentally, physically as well as financially? (Milk powders are not cheap)
  • Considering, taking up lessons such as young parenting. Could you put up with those mindless stunts from your child? 
  • Have you even line out the future pathways for your child?

All of us here knows it definitely not easy to become a parent, especially a mom when these ladies can undergo 187564059477365 of hardships but never utter a word. Imagine how impressive moms could be.
As age creeps up on my mom, it's not just wrinkles and fine lines that appear but also unkind memories that piled up in years she spent with me, she had done most of the everything a mom could do for their daughter. But what have I done for her? Spend her on the most inexpensive treat - cooking a meal for her. Been there & done that. Giving her smoochies. Getting her a diamond ring. Flowers, roses in particular. Spa vouchers and facial treatments. 

I often think how would I feel like and what do I expect from a child when I finally have a child of my own? 

I want my child to excel in studies, having good looks, being very presentable in the public, having good communicating skills, and sure but not least, being in pink of health. Of all these wants, ain't health play the most important role compared to all?

After mindless of thoughts, now I'm wondering where should I bring my mom this Sunday?
Share your Mother's Day story with me! 

Wednesday, May 5



Is this all you want after so much of struggle and heartwrenching scene we had to put up with?
Can this takes a big leap after everything had happened these days?
Could you simply just forget both of us used to spend days and nights thinking of one another?

Ouch, simply no.
I had enough (fullstop)