Thursday, April 21

eccentrically bold, no?

Finals are over, and upcoming Year 2 is definitely a different definition for college. Ironically, expressing my thoughts and emotions in blog gave me a whole new clarity of who Ive been, what was I upto &contrast to that, I never wanna look back to the past of whom I longing to be.

The shyts of what I gone through was beyond the expectations everyone wouldve perceived &had, it'd been quite a several times I was questioned, it was a bizarre thought I never learnt the difference I was made into, but expect the least unexpected is always a catastrophe. 

Practically, anything that stumbled upon my mind at this hour, couldn't be the right thing stirring up my thoughts, as well as messing w/ my emotions, giving a free-ride of roller coaster, but heck who cares? It definitely not the right time to be encountering these mood swings &goosebumps considering the outcomes and consequences of the-whatifs &whatsnot. 

Give me an answer, and I would give it a shot. 
Despite the apocalypse days I had, look at the bright side. 

Life goes on &thank God for placing wonderful people in my life &brighten my days. *inserts names*
I tell you right, when I've having dilemma of whatudu in life, you should actually sort me outve the list to ask for advices, choices, opinions, etc. Feeling so entirely cranky during the day &the most annoying human bugging your ears off your head &literally, screaming for earplugs and slapping me till I shutup. (And yes, I was that loud when I hyped)

I'd had tried keeping quiet &still, but it's just not me if I do have millions of thoughts running in my mind. I demand for an answer, at least whats not a question in head. I should head to be soon &long post ahead on birthdays parties & trip. 

I'll post a very well-behaved picture of my sister, testing out my new toy :P 

Say harlow to my new baby, Shasta