Wednesday, August 24

I trying to write I.

Life is like a Rubik's cube, trying to solve the colour and pattern in an according formulae, bur what if we don't choose that 'according' formulae and create our own, and now we called it; grasp of your own future. We'll never know when and how would we achieve success, and in midst of pursuing the future, it is a long journey down the trail, the route one least expected with unforeseen obstacles ahead.

          This is what I have in mind, something I learnt and I would love to share with all the souls in the world - feeling as  though it would practically helps to whoever reading this piece feeling low and down, I'm just around to put a smile to your face.

So that's it. This is just what she is made of. Simple, easy-going, kind, calm, stable, dependent and all positive vibes. You named it and yes, the answer will be. This is just going to be a modest description about her because behind all these words, you can't even find the right word to describe her, or at least to put her into such phrase. As for now, whenever her mood swings strikes, there's no other ways to catch hold of her attention, especially if she's not in the right mood to talk.

         Silence is the only last thing she appreciates from others. I choose not to reveal her that much because she always believes what people gets to know its just merely what they see a person from the outside, it's just all about external beauty and appearance. To this tiny little soul, what she bothers much in her heart is the transformation of a person as they outgrow to multiple factors. She's not glad to tell the world that she grieved over a few issues that once meant the most in life, but they chose to let her down, which she finally seen all these beneath the fake masks that everyone tries so hard to hide, but it'll never be able to conceal when it is a matter of heart. Dwelling in the past doesn't give you any opportunities to move further but holding you back.

         However, she could be one of the most intriguing person but also typical female that you wouldn't wish to meet. I do come across with such a scene; she can tell stories all night without you feeling bored and yet you can listen to her attentively as she could provoke your darkest secret without any intentions, perhaps she's a stimulator in human form. That's clearly just a joke. It would be good if she could finally make use of herself in helping others to overcome their darkest fear, which I really doubt so.

         Back into business, I'm going to spill half of the bowl about her, something she's trying to hide from everyone else, her friends, her parents, and even her own self. She has this obsession with her skin. What one would do is to pamper their skin with all sorts of home remedies just to make their skin glow and some tiny bit of love by spending some time (inadequate time) in the bathrooms for more scrubs and massages. Now when you're reading this, she's totally opposite of what you think she is. I'm dead serious here. She doesn't shower until it's much needed, and she totally doesn't behave like one, she doesn't know what a body scrub for till she walks into the Dermatologica and got a consultation from a dermatologist. That explains her current obsession with her skin.

         If you want to know anything or something unique about her, try popping up that question to her and she'll just look at you and giggles. I would be glad to repeat, she'll start off with her loud giggles and then, she's said, "Why am I unique? Because unique is me." She's that hyper that she would really laugh and burst in uncontrollably tears flowing from the corner of her eyes. I can see that she's happy receiving such compliment for the first time when she's sixteen. The conversation still replays vividly in her head. I am not going to elaborate much on her personal matters, but this girl has a really long trip back to her memory lane.

         Her giggles.

         That's the only thing that could brighten up any gloomy days and beat your blues away. This is out of nowhere, but honestly, if only I could read some spells and shrink her size, she will be like the tiniest thing ever like Thumbelina. This is just pun-intended and I feel that her giggles are a awakening call to all that laughters bring everyone together regardless your nationality, skin colour and the language you spoke. It's good indeed that she tries so hard to erase all negative vibes in her and her loved ones, for at least keep them far away from them and hoping for a better tomorrow, but as good as it sounds, she forgotten about her little devil inside her.

          She party, she drinks, she shouts, she hyped, but those were all the days she doesn't wish to recall not a single piece of them. Pushing off the corrupted sheets in life to the back of her mind is just something she wish to invent, at least a vaccine to repent for all the sin she had done for the past 19 years of life. She's young but she knows that it's not going to be a bed of roses in times to come. As she grows older, she learns how society works and that's when she clearly understands that effort has a price to pay. And it's your judgements that leads to the possibilities far beyond your expectations. Not going to recycle the quote, "Expectation leads to disappointment" but having least expectations means lowering possibilities. So which one would you prefer?

Last but not least, I'm sure you're pretty clear who was I talking about all these while, thankyou for spending your time here today. :D

P.S : And if you're not, spend your time reading the second time and find out. I'm not telling you. kbai.

Note : This is not done for ads or any other purposes, simply meant for my assessment and Mr. Nick's request. And some of the details and relevant information are merely made up to provoke sensation.

Thursday, August 18