Sunday, November 27

Emotional tantrums

Its only 5.22 in the afternoon but my body clock is already ticking to bed. They are secretly signalling to brain asking my body to shut down asap and flipping get my ass to bed for some really good rest. This November is coming to an end again, once again I would said. Those that knows me really well, and God knows what He had put me through this year, it was really messed up but I would said, it's a pretty good exposure to what I had got through, and put me to a learning experience, that a price is infinity. As much as I would like to write, I've always  find my way to procrastination, a pretty valid reason to push all my responsibilities to other factors in life, &most of time,

 I wouldve said, "NO TIME LARH BOSS." 

Who said it's easy to lead a happy life without worries of munneh? I bet you have not even try earning your own penny, dude. I'm not about to brag about how my earnings but at least, knowing the fact that munneh doesn't grow on trees are readily good enough to shove it to your face. Recalling those moments that I had in this year, I was supposed to blog in a week time after October 17th &guess what? Something somehow sometimes just blow my minds off for the past one month, got carried away by those thoughts and now I'm back here on my feet, standing strong despite those emotional tantrums that I had, yes tantrums I called it.

For not endowed reason, I've bugged Pegbabey and Bellenotbell for almost a month because of the dwelling and bounding stage, perhaps its just in need of a normal mental clarity check. They always tell me it's easy to move on when you least realized and pour your attention into someone, it's true. However, it's also easily said than done. Aha, but certainly it'll all boils to the a point when enough means enough, till the day you'll finally realized that everything that you were up to previously is just insanely dumb, well it's always quoted love is blind; the person in love, LAGI BLIND.

Wishing for things that I could achieve in the new year's resolutions, I'd love to reach out for certain goals in life with my own abilities, of course maybe some preaching from my parents and friends, but nevertheless, I really wanna strive for my own goals (: There's this little feelings of appreciation injected into my senses &that is just gonna motivates me to work things better. Okay, time to get some sleep before heading out again tonight.

Recap of the month(s)

Karyee and yourstruly in Aryl's open house

Shot #2

The boys; Vincent, Ravin, Fong &Jingli
My new classmates, Mandapanda and Ninjayasmin

Sister's birthday and my bangs 


PO-POKKER FACE (Lady Gaga phailed)

BUT Paulalicious has sexy thick red lips now. 

Last picture of the day, Subang road trip w/ the bunch. 

In loving memory of Grandpa Chang (1931 - 2011), 

Despite that we don't live under one roof, 
we may have the least conversations among all the siblings 
and cousins, regardless how often you may have notice me in our family gatherings, 
the bonding moments that we probably started to have, were reduced in such a vast manner, 
that lead to such despair and regrets that one would have for that one day you'll be gone, forever. 

Yeye, you'll always and forever be my dearest,