Friday, January 13

Before I talk about Belly

Can I scream before I continue this? Never expected that 2012 would arrived that fast, and in just a blink of eye, I'm turning twenty soon enough to reach the next stage in life. Well, everyone said they would face the mid-twenties' crisis when you entered adulthood, I barely imagine myself in such condition that I wouldve to bear all the responsibilities my 'rents are facing, &everyone in the world are putting up with. *facepalms

Totally surprising if one day Ive my own kids, starting my own family, and reading back this post how paranoid I was back when I was younger; thinking and considering my path in the future. Indefinite emotional struggles I had back when I was a teen, couldn't compared to the financial burden I'm gonna face in few years time, such temperamental thoughts in my head. Everyone did a reflection of what theyve gone through back in 2011, but I'm such a lazy laid back person, I prefer letting things take in toll, leads me to the next milestone.
Talking about reflections, I had mine written few nights before 2011 ends, now that I wonder where did it flew, perhaps to somewhere over the rainbow, that others would have treasure my piece of thought better than anyone else do.

2011 had been a pretty tough year for most of my circle of friends, we shared, we learnt, we teared, we broke our hearts, we picked 'em up, we outgrow our thoughts, we learn to see things, putting ourselves in other people's shoes, we rarely letting our guards down, and had the lowest point in life, when being let down by the closest ones around you is fairly a norm in my dictionary. Yet to express my own thoughts, I skimmed through my previous posts few years ago, I'm nowhere close to where I was before, but by all odds, a better person in my own preference. I quit putting myself to care for every single details, quit giving in to people that least deserve 'em, &quit crying myself to bed every night for feeling unappreciated. &that's all I need to manage my emotions &continue walking to another milestone to where I belong.

Christmas's Eve and NYE were one of the good parties Id attended throughout the year, despite the part getting wasted and KO on the bed till the next morning. And early this year, my Belleeenotbell turned TWENTY this year. This means that I would have more upcoming parties to go because I'll be celebrating Piggiepeggie's birthday soon as well. All the babies are burning a hole in my wallet but I'm glad that we are still back in Malaysia because I am berry sad that the closest friends in my small circle are leaving soon after February. I got to go repay some sleep debts!

*off topic but will be continued*

Christmas's eve with Piggypeggie

The Peejay's gang during NYE

Dory's signature pose

Belleeenotbell's 20th birthday in Decanter, PJ.

Sportsville, Jellyjasmine and Piggypeggie.