Saturday, June 2

Part 1 : You want someone nice?

The title says it all. Everyone wants to get a nice girl or a nice guy, you don't say right? But it's just not as easy as it sounds, just within snaps of finger and you'll find the ultimate girl in your life or the prince charming you've waited all these while. Oh well, some lucky ones may have probably found their, happily married, settled down with their beautiful kids and also, flipping to the next chapter in life.

Spent about 30 minutes watching WongFu Production a re-release video, Just A Nice Guy (2007) - Notice how much they have changed in 5 years time. If you have not watch the video, spare yourself some good 30 minutes watching the video. Now you'll start thinking abruptly of how much you wanted that someone so badly, and yet it's just not bound to be. Often you'll see how two souls become one; they blossomed from a simple tie, friendship. And the friend kin that you may have within one another, of course it could be of anyone that you just probably met from the bar. OKAYH, maybe not the bar, perhaps the gym or clubhouse. That sounds much convincing...

Anyways, it starts from friendship and it would eventually develops some sort of like.... I would love to call that affections in the beginning. Yes, you would most probably looking forward to text him everyday, calling him once every two days (not too often, if you're one of the shy ones like me) and perhaps, giving it a try like asking him out. Now these all sound familiar to you? I'm pretty sure everyone been that, done that. AND? That affections likely have chances to blossom into some bigger fire, which I meant sparks, that generate more interest in you as for getting to know that guy in depth, if only he's willing to open up to you and letting you know more about what's yes and what's not in his personal thoughts. Though as tricky as it may sounds, the chances for this to happen is possible, just as rare as you may find a diamond at the beach.

Nice guys finish last. Ah, this saying goes viral everywhere, and you better gotta agree with me. WHAT ABOUT NICE GIRLS FINISH LAST? It's not gonna be some sexist-debate in this entire post but there are still some nice chicks out there, still holding firm to their grounds that knights in shining armor do exist in reality. *blows away cotton-candy white-bluish clouds*

Do these sound familiar? Plenty of them! Nice girls or nice guys, they only believe that, as long as they do good, everything would just turn good and be good miraculously. Agree? It's not about the saying or anyone's perception on that matter, it's just their subjective that they are just born this way or maybe they are just inject with more humanity's juices in their heads which allow them to do good at all time with no costs. If you have pay attention to the details of the video mentioned above, sometimes nice guys or nice girls are just insensitive or blunt! They do not drop subtle hints at all to the one that they really care for, especially the one they want. (It's not easy kayh?)

It's just so frustrating. & I need to get a shower and continue this again, in the next post! x