Monday, December 9

Bye Examination and Quizzes

It's time of the month again. I realized how much I missed those fleeting moments I had with my homies and so glad that a handful of them are back in Malaysia once again. Supposedly, it's down to a couple of years more until we can all be united again and bearing the thought of missing Michillie in Canada, quite overwhelming heh. (You better come back soon, or else just get married there and sponsor me the flight tickets &accomodation!)

Christmas is approximately two more weeks, means I have another 14 days left to hunt for Christmas pressies for the girls and my homies. Last year, I was so thrilled and excited to go out every night - I wonder how and where did I have all the energy pack to keep my adrenaline rush during those ungodly hours with the cray cray peeps. Perhaps, some of them left Malaysia for studies and a few good friends got into a relationship, their time of settlement from the cray cray scene. What I'm going through now and then, it sounds so mundane and boring already. Got up early in the morning and I'll prepare a hearty breakfast (or, I would walked out and take away some food or MY KUIH LAPIS), come home for some readings, head to work and gym, sometimes a jog and then sleep. T_______T

What happened to my playtime and life?

In my mind, I was thinking probably it's just a number dictated on my IC, the age of 21 knocked some sense into my head with the bundle of responsibilities I have when I'm finishing my studies really soon, anticipating for the results and my graduation bash! My mixed feelings can't really tally with my dilemma whether to continue the degree or taking a leap of faith to venture into the media industry. My relatives actually rang my family, especially my mommy asking if I'm about to start working or continue my studies here. As much as I really want to pursue a degree, I hesitated and my gut feelings always opposed the thoughts in my head. Maybe, I should take a break and have a getaway soon!

On a side note, I can't wait for my thinspoo to finish her paper! Yayyers.