Tuesday, November 4


hi peoples!

these weeks ain't really going that smoothly in terms of studies, life, friendships and everything.
day by day, i felt that
our chemistry had been reacting real SLOW and its like
im abandoned in your life
awwww, cut off that dramatic part

these days were actually examination days and exams had finally ended
i've been suffering from insomnia since the past few weeks
due to the tremendous stress i gained from the examination papers
i failed my additional mathematics paper!
i expected at least a 3B actually!!!!
teeeehee, nvm
aiming for other science papers

today was the last day of form four end-year semester examinations
[elaine, vincent, michelle and i]
went over to metro prima
just to get a cup of STARBUCKS coffee
p.s. : this is my drink haha...
HOT chocolate with vanilla toppings

and we got cheated!!!
we boarded a cab because michelle said that she doesnt want to take a bus to the mall
and we did took a cab in the end,
and the driver talks a loads
he even corrects Vincent's sentence
he charged us extra and seriously he commented damn a loads
its none of your business ok?
we paid you to drive us there, not to condemn us

we got out from that taxi after Michelle paying the driver 4 ringgit.
Its ONLY RM 3.50 actually, but he charged us 4 instead.
i dont mind paying extra if he's a friendly one,
BUT he condemned us
THATS WHY im here
BRINGING up this matter!


well, the first place we headed to when we landed our feet on the ground of the shopping mall is
my bladder was like going to explode in the taxi
should have urinatepee in school before going to the mall

after settled down in choosing the right spot to enjoy the atmosphere and mood in starbucks,
we finally got our drinks and cakes which are supposing to be our lunch

here are the pictures :)
the cake
*forgot the name
this cake is soooooOOO super UBER duper sweet
our cake, michelle's drink

this is michelle
*slant ur head to the left if you want to get a better view :D
this is my boo
my only escape
Mr. Vincent Choy
the lamest copycat ever in entire Secondary 4
the natural features of landscape =D

we went to the post office too!
hahaha, just to get several stamps for the envelopes
wtf is wrong with this school
do they have to act THAT responsible as if they do, and send those results to our parents during the holidays?
spoils my holiday mood and surroundings.
and my parents gonna screw me upside down when the letter reaches my doorstep

by the way, there's this very peculiar sign i found in random shopping mall.

if you were to look and notice this from far, what is the first thing that come across ur mind ?
teeeeheeee :D

time to go
see ya peeps
:D loves~

Mood : worry for my results
Weather : Windy

i care for nothing :X

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