Tuesday, November 11

Barbeque Party

Hi peoples!

Its been a period i did not blog about the happenings recently due to the addiction of maple in me. >.< im sorry about this, but MAPLE IS JUST SO ADDICTIVE somehow.. hmm... lets talk about Aryl's barbeque party last saturday night. Its fun, i agreed! and his house is superb LUXURIOUS! He has a backyard with a small hut, i would described and his BEAM LIGHT which goes on and off in times -__- but that night is super amazing....

we watched the horror movie which is supposed to be scary but most of us turned up laughing and giggling all the way after the screams in each and every eerie part. *rofl and i still remember how omar laughed. LOL -_______- and how meiyin got spook at the stairs. KAKAKAKAKA

next, ahaks, our chef of the day XDMr. Hon Boon
P.S : the chicken wing is not fully cooked -__-


randomness sia....
im sleeeeepy
pictureeeee time :D

Foods and more foods!

potato BOMB shells .. ngek ngek

and this is Becca : my ex-Malaysian, Singaporean friend.
the one with cap is Omar, the darkie and the white is aryl, the hottie :D
last but not least, Vincent, the bulletproof-fats master
P.S: does he look drunk?

but actually he's NOT
ahahahah gotcha

time to go bed, nights
love yah peoples

Mood : Emotional-breakdown
Song : Can i have this dance?

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