Friday, November 14

The lady

Konnichiwa !

just came back from the school, and i cant wait to BLOG! its the last day of sec 4! imagine me driving next year xD xD
expect the unexpected larrrrrh -___-

well, i went to school pretty late today? my mom woke me up very early and get my heads to the bathroom. *pffffft and the bus arrive late -___- [ i slept early THOUGH ]
during the assembly, Mr.Ong, my 'beloved' principle delivered his speech and lecture on what we should do during the holidays. PLUS its so blardy long-winded ~.~ wonder will he retire next year? ngek ngek... by the way, its OUR holidays, Mr Ong-Long-winded.

class went on as usual, except for ? No monopoly game today -____- LOL
and i remembered something. Puan Wan Rahimi's lesson.
OH wtf is wrong that lady.... she's freaking racist, cumon! i knew you're a Malay and you're religious, so called larrrh, but that doesn't mean you have the rights to humiliate other races and religions in class? during PnP lesson ~.~
4S is a bunch of crazy monkeys[my two cents] with different races from different family backgrounds. we are brought up in a way that we are all equal >.< ANAK MALAYSIA =D
but what you said in class today really offended us, wan wan...
yes, i agreed that we didnt listen to your speech and most of us were busy talking and playing behind, but ITS the last day of school... give us a break!

Pn. Wan Rahimi : Orang Melayu beradab [ She said that when she refers to Keevin because he kept on turning behind to talk to Hilmy]

SO what is she trying to mean? Orang Cina and India TAK beradab ke?
racist racist racist!!!!
this wasnt the first time u did that, lady...
NANTI government put you into ISA detentions(Internal Security Act) and i will be laughing my ass off.. mUAHAHAHAHAHA
*i know im evil [evil grins]

ngek ngek, i go shower first...
and say BYEBYE to my sweet 16
buais people

Mood : random
Song : LOL, i didnt on my wmp -___-

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