Thursday, November 20

over it

hi people again.
i know i have been blogging very often these days due to the randomness surrounds me.

I couldn't really think rationally, speak and act logically, i really have to put an end to whatever my mind is thinking all this while. I know i have been talking about this issue since the past few posts, but its only him that come across my mind these days.
how could u be that cruel to let go this relationship just because of a girl which u only knew for several days? our love wasn't really that strong enough to overcome the attraction you had for the girl?

what about all the promises we had? i bet you forgot all about it. in love? that would a perfect answer to whats happening to both of us now. You're totally in love with that girl, and im concerned about this. absolute dumbness to cry myself to bed every night.
i had it enough, seriously. all the wrong and mixed messages shall be put to an end right now. I shall neither hang on to this relationship nor letting go just like this. Honestly, i love you a loads, but i will move on.

mood : emo wtf
music : I can do better -Avril

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