Monday, November 24

tagged by Ivan

1. What's your most favourite colour?
. purple

2. Who is the most important to you?
. my family and pals

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
. err idk, several times :x i know its dumb

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
. well, errrr depends.

5. How many babies you want?

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
. idk i only saw it twice in my lifetime

7. What is your goal for this year?
. this year? one more month left, get a brand-new laptop

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
. so far nope .________. but i believe i will still love him

9. Do you think that the person who tag you like to play kidnapping?
. hmm, the one tagged me was Ivan. I don't think so :x

10. What are you really afraid of?
. regrets
. depression
. left behind
. loneliness

11. What is your bad habit?
. getting stuffs which is totally unnecessary
. laziness
. loves to brag
. annoying Elaine

12. Do you have a secret crush?
. so far NO

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
. DUHHH! of course i do!

14. What does flying means to you?
. birdies? aeroplanes? freedom!!!!

15. What do you crave for the most currently?
. serenity

16. Are you single or in a relationship?
. single

17. Describe the person who tagged you.
. LOUD one
. always-do-the-unexpected
. best conductor ever in choral speaking :D
. he bakes
. caring
. skinny
. a-very-good-listener

18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
. kick boxing
. yoga
. sleep
. cry
. blogging
. cycling :X (im not a good cyclist)
. talk to someone (thanks dear)
. and of course, not to be miss, eating lollies in my room :)

19. What is the worst case scenario that can happen to you in your life?
. being a clerk in a small office... (i hate this)

20. Describe the person you like?
. a boy?
. loving and caring
. good looking although he's skinny :X
. perfect physically,mentally and emotionally (yahh, he is)
. a good boyfriend material

Instructions: Remove the last question from above and add in your personal question.
Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people.
List them out at the end of the post.
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.
Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

i tag . . .
(: Michelle
(: Keith
(: Mun Kuen
(: Shannen
(: Yoke Jong

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