Monday, November 24

another tagged

The rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself
and tag (8) people

  • i hate myself for being so possessive over him
  • i love being me
  • i hate whatever small creatures around me (Strictly no pets allowed)
  • i enjoy staying my room than going outdoors
  • i hate how it feels when i still love you
  • i dream of going to Paris, Italy and United States of America
  • i wanna get myself a purple car somehow :X
  • i love playing switches ._____.

  1. Amanda
  2. Clay
  3. Edward Teo
  4. Chui Xing
  5. Huan Hee
  6. Sherman
  7. Shermaine
  8. Wan Yee

First Name: Chang
Nickname: Shu Shu
Name you wish you had: my name - SHU
What do people normally mistake your name as: su teng wtf
Birthday: 1992 May 30th
Birthplace: Chinese Maternity Hospital
Time of Birth: idk?
Single or taken: Single
Zodiac sign: Gemini baby

-Your Appearance-
How tall are you: 15x Centimeters .____.
Wish you were taller: DUHH
Eye colour: black?
Colour you want: Brown
Natural hair colour: Black
Current hair colour: Brownish
Short or long hair: SHORT
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: yep
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: i cut it myself? dramatic enough?
Glasses or Contacts: both
Do you wear make up: sometimes
Ever had hair extensions: thought of that, but nope
Paint your nails: YESSS!!!

-In The Opposite Gender-
What color eyes: Brown
What color hair: Brown
Shy or Outgoing: outgoing but shy in times
Sexy or Cute: He's cute
Serious or Fun: He's serious in times but fun to hang out with
Older or Younger than you: Younger by 3 months
A turn on: when he tends to act cute
A turn off: when he got emo :X

-This or That-
Flowers or Chocolate: Chocolates
Pepsi or Coke: None of it
Rap or Rock: Rap
Relationship or One Night Stand: Relationship
School or Work: Work
Love or Money: Love
Movies or Music: Music
Country or City: City
Sunny or Rainy Days: Rainy days
Friends or Family: Both

-Have You Ever-
Lie: yepp, i did
Stole something: yes, i did that too
Smoked: NO! wtf (last thing that will never even come across my mind)
Hurt someone close to you: yes, i did. I'm sorry
Broke someone's heart: yes, i did and i regretted
Had your heart broken: TOTALLY YES
Wondered what was wrong with you: yes, yes and YES
Wish you were a prince/princess: yes
Liked someone who was taken: yea
Shaved your head: NO! never
Used chopsticks: Once .________. or maybe twice :X
Sang in the mirror to yourself: Yes, when i get emo

Flower: roses?
Song: So Sick by Ne-Yo (on 24th Nov 08)
Scent: im sensitive to scents ._____.
Colour: purple, anything that blends purple with it
Movies: KYLE XY!
Singer: Avril Lavigne
Word: 'DUHHhhh'
Junk Food: no specific favorites in this
Location: my purple room
Animal: non-animal-lover :x sorry

Ever cried over someone: yea, i wish i can reverse everything
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: getting taller pl0x :)
Do you think you're attractive: err? -leave it blank-
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Sleeping Beauty?
Do you play any sports: Badminton

tagged the same survey by,
.Ai Teng
.Jie Jiun

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