Monday, November 24


finally, i just finished the two tags tagged by my beloved dar-links
LOL, and i arrived home safely at 23.09.45 hours from the crabby island. i took 245 pictures in that small deserted island. HONESTLY SPEAKING, i spent like 5 hours there and have nothing better to do there and i ended texting ting hong :X
the only vehicle that i can find there is bicycles.
Bicycles are the only transport there i assumed, because the routes there are way too narrow for a sumo to pass through. teeeeheeee but i love the serenity there. no worries, no crimes but no hotties. all UNCLES there!!!!

-shall blog more about it in the next post-
more pictures by then

haziqqqq, i miss you
you didnt believe me, do u?

going to bed right now
loves shu

music : i gotta go my own way
mood : lazy

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