Tuesday, December 23

sneak out

Hiya, couldnt control my little fingers not to leave any alphabets in my blog.
IM BACK, from hiatus. LOL..

been thinking about my life, parents, family, friends and every single minor role in my life. D:
and one of the reason is Michelle wants my blog to be updated, and the main reason of this - I couldnt stop this addiction, part of my life. ahahaha, but thanks dearie for all the sleepless nights those days and being all the phone with me when i need someone to talk with badly, especially these nights.
ahahaha and we will always got carried away gossiping :X girls are always girls!

I managed to recover some of the old pictures in my dad's computer :D

some sort of wafers .___. (too sweet for my appetite)

In the progress of annoying her :D

Giler panda, im so pissed of my parents. *pffffft skip that part
Yeh, i wanna note this too.

For the first time ever in my life,
Chang Shu Ting
sneaked out of the house
at 3 a.m.
to the convenient store

NGEK NGEK muahahaha, i knew its lame and lots of questions in your mind.
Lemme answer them one by one
Q: Why convenient store?
A: because its 3am, all the shops are closed (its Malaysia, what do you expect? )

Q: Why 3a.m.?
A: lol, because i couldn't even close my eyes, terlalu wide-awake .__.

Q: What are you doing before that?
A: msn and on the phone

Q: What did you get from the convenient store?
A: a drink

Q: Did you meet anyone or encounter something unpleasant?
A: The cashier? .__. and I went out with my pyjamas D: *imagine it

Q: Why are you bothered answering this?
A: Because i know you're interested and you're still reading this :)

ahahaha, hmm.. nothing much today - exclude i woke up pretty late AGAIN.
My body alarm clock isn't functioning well because im practically nocturnal these days.
but I will make a change to it - I promise, mom! *heavy dark cirles below my eyes :(
(any remedies for it? help please, someone! )
*cry in vain

I'm sorry my little cuties - Dingdong, PeiPei and Amanda for not turning up today at the mall.
I'll tell you more when you come online, and welcome Dingdong to KL :D
hope you guys enjoy the movie w/o me :(
aawwww *sob tremendously

I gotto start my revision for my papers
Wish me luck :)
and merry christmas everyone in advance

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

current melody : Because you loved me
current mood : i need a haircut desperately

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