Tuesday, December 23

Tagged by Shermaine

*1. Those who get tagged must answer the question about themselves.
*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
*3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)

Time: 9.31 p.m.
Name: Shu Ting
Age/Birthday: 16 . 30th May
School: SMK Kepong Baru
Elder Sister: I wish i have one
Younger Sister: unfortunately, i have one =X
Elder Brother: Gahh, takde
Younger Brother: dont have )=
Favourite Liquids [Drinks]: hmm... apple juice?
Favourite Consumables [Food]: lollipop! :D
Favourite Place To Sleep: my bedroom
Flying: O__O
Swimming/Diving: none to both
How Much Friends In MSN: 500
Couple: had
Loved Ones: family, friends and lollies
Get Kicked On The Butt?: yes, my sister .__.
Allergic?: dust, seafood, sun
Gastric?: yea
Whole Fortune?: nope
Age Of Marriage: after 25
Children Wanted: idk
Age Of Death: .___. after 100 :D
Animals In House: fish, three years ago :X
Longest Fingernail Ever Kept: err, two years ago
Wanted Birthday Present: lollies and munneh ( money) :D

Q: In your dream, God tells you you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
healthy family, a bunch of friends and a contented life. (im greedy :D)

10 people to tag:
the ten person that wish to complete this tag.. :D

I'd decided to sleep early tonight
love you people.

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