Thursday, December 4


Finally i'm able to settle down and sit in front of the computer and being able to blog about what happened today :D
was really busy with everything with
my room,
my clothes,
and the kitchen.
LOL... (and i come across this picture, nice one there)

My mom and I decided to bake a cake today actually (we discussed about it last night), we bought the all-in-one, errr two months ago BUT HAVEN EXPIRED teeeheeeeee X)
DUMP EVERYTHING INSIDE the MIXER and throw it into the oven. DING, its done.
somehow, i woke up slightly later than usual, heheh and she didnt bother to wake me up,
so everything planned for today was ruined =(

however, my mom did spoiled me with some little peculiar purple fruits :)
I have no idea whats that at first, but after google-ing it, found out that's passion-fruits. Markisa TEEEHEEEEEE X)
i love the taste of

it looks some sort of yellow fluid with seeds but i can tell you, ITS AWESOME :)

and oh well, gotto rush to tuition immediately after my meal.
FYI, i take bus to tuition in the evening and its usually CROWDED like hell. There's this bus i took today, as usual, packed and crowded, and i barely get to grip any poll there except for my file and phone :X
and when that friggin bus breaks, wtf i bang right on the old man behind.
I was like wtf
*i felt his dick
but he's not those nasty pervert ones. i apologized and fled to the back of the bus and laid my butt next to an Indian lady, she seems nice. but still
its an unpleasant experience overall!

Scene 2 : Cekap Tuition Centre
when i reached tuition centre, I met cx, she's waiting outside of the class like dungu budak sesat ahaha
she's like OMFG?
"What happened to your hair, shuting?"
and we talked about my hair in the class .__.
OH GIRL,you missed 2 weeks of Mr. Lim's class and he remembers you. wtf ahahahahaha

well, and i attended my add-maths class slightly after eight and my dad fetched us (elaine and I) home after that. In the car, i didnt really talk much to my dad, still mad at him for what he'd done but i ate half of his share for the supper mom prepared. lalalalala, wouldnt care much, im hungry :(
*selfish bimbo

ahahahahaha, and i was pretty surprised when my dad asked me about my preparations for SPM and im so gonna drive next year WEEEEEEEEEE *shall buck up my driving skills in arcades.* LOL

thats just a joke?
sigh, im going to bed right now.
byeeee peepos :)

melody : piano-lullaby
mood : i just turned into a green-eyed-monster and going up the wooden hill =/

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