Friday, December 5


Good evening wonderful creations.

guess what am i cheering for?
congrats cousin, finally you made her your wife, but in two more days.
NEWLY-WED : John Fei with Annie Chong

its actually John Chang, but typo error (whaddefuq)
p.s : We are the Changs' ahahahaha (i sounded lame there i know Photobucket )

In conclusion, I will be busy kepo-ing in their wedding ahahahaha :)
I won't be able to blog that often in these two days.

WEEEEEEEEEE, gonna see little Jeremy again

well, before i end the post, i finished this up with a pathetic riddle my sister asked me. Photobucket

Shu Si : Between green crab and red crab, which crab can move?

Shall disclose the answer in the next time i blog,
See ya people!

with hugs and kisses,

now playing : butterfly kisses (thanks edward for sending such a great song)
mood : emotionally aroused

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