Friday, December 5

Tagged by Ed Ward

Random Tags by Edward

Do you mind, if your opposite gender partner:

Go clubbing:
well, i wouldnt mind if he brings me too hahah


Is an alcoholic:
err, part-time alcoholic would be fine

Do drug:

Did sex before:
it would be fine though, not AIDS/HIV carrier please!

Watch porn:
thats good ahahaha, sex education :)

Steal something you like for you:
please no, or else i will get the blame. Buy me lollies please *winks

Skipped work/ classes just to meet you:
thats sweeeeeeet, im fine with that too *heart melts

Forget about anniversary:
whack your arse, CANNOT forget :(

Use all his savings to plan a surprise for anniversary:
ALL his savings? wtf, what about marriage then? LMAOOOO

Bought a very ugly clothing for present:
well, i wont wear it :X

If your opposite gender lied about the following situation, what action will you take?
It is middle of the night, he/ she told you that he/ she is going to bed, but instead he went out with friends:
Owhh well, i'll be mad at him for lying and made such an excuses to me.

Your opposite gender told you that he/ she is going out with a friend that you know, but you saw him/ her in the mall with his ex- boyfriend/ girlfriend: -
Errrr, I will not talk to him for a few days :X

Describe your ideal opposite gender:
NON-lalas would be fine :)

I tag:
: Michelle
: Amanda
: Cheng Ken
: Ivan
: Shermaine

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