Monday, December 8

Awesome GILER


finally i get to blog after those awesome wonderful experiences i had throughout the wedding ceremony.. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
well, let pictures prove everything to you. NGEKKK

Before the wedding starts : Watching Money Not Enough II

O.O idk, part of the process

They posing :X

part of the process too

giving angpaos if im not mistaken :)


her dad, my cousin =P

The Bride and Bridegroom :)

cousins :)

This is the view from VIP table

back to my place =(

The Couple (aww, they look perfect together)


First dish of the day *drool at my seat

candid #1 (Im not even prepared and he snapped)

my camwhore partner (ehh, i improved right?)

weeeeeeeee :)
i heart them a loads

and today, sigh
another boring day as usual
i went tuition to Cekap
with the help of my dad
he fetched me there but well, its drizzling
mild headaches im having
must be the late nights i had
and the rain indirectly

in the car : scene #1
Dad : Are you sure the tuition centre is open today? Its public holiday you know?
Shu : I know, but its only one day? Mr. Chin wont close for one miserable day larh.
Dad : the gate is locked
* dad pointing towards the black gate direction
Shu : REALLY?!?!
* glance outside but totally dissapointed
Mom : Your dad long-sightedness lar, its opened.
* showing my grumpy face to my sister and came down from the car

in the badminton centre : scene #2
Shu : Why this court so dark larh wye?
Dad : They are trying to save up on electric bills.
(whaddeheck, macam ni pun boleh)
* walked over to the bench and sat there with my sister
Shu : very dark here. mosquitoes wtf .__.
Sister : i know, and stop poking me, idiot!!
(i was poking her that time out of randomness)
Shu : Shuddup and dont touch me then!
*stares at the image far at the entrance
(its familliar, and its MENGWEI)
*wave and smiles
(i didnt know i'll meet Kabianz here at such a deserted place :X)
it looked more like a basketball court right? :X

and there's tag to complete

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. What is it that bothers you the most?
: studies, friends and family

2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
: blogging and talking. Nothing gonna stop me from doing the talk.

3. What is the motto of your life?
: my motto?

4. What will you do when you're feeling angry/disappointed with someone?
: I'll talk to him/her and make things clear between us

5. What is the most important thing to you?
: studies, friends and family

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?

7. Are you afraid of pain?
: depends, im afraid of injections :X

8. What do you feel like doing right now?
: sleeping TEEEHEEEE :D

9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
: err, YES and yes!! I will confess :)

10. What is your favourite website currently?
: my site

11. What is the question that you can't find an answer?
: Why is History a must? sighhh :(

12. Do you think friendship is more important than loveship?
: well, when im in a relationship, what matters me the most was him and its always vice-versa. However, im glad to have my friends back in mua life, my treasures

13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

14. If you will die after today , what will you do ?
: I'll spend half of my day with my parents and family, and 6 hours on my friends and the rest on what i have to finish with.

15.If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
: my laziness, annoying character in me

16. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
: a better fair lady :)

17. What is the one thing you hate about yourself?
: too talkative

18. If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be?
: nothing, i let them stay here :)

19. I love....

I TAG these lovely people;
: Nixolie
: Vin Yee
: Huan Hee
: Sherman
: Amanda
: Pei Lee
: Michelle
: Liz

-end of the tag-

lalala, shall end my post here.. pretty long one this time :)
shall talk more next time
byeeee peeps
good night!
and love
from the
of my
heart !

current melody : Because you loved me by Celine Dion
current mood : tired but still so wide awake =)

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