Tuesday, December 9


Hullo again people...

GOSH, its raining heavily again. Photobucket
seriously i hate to get wet
anyways, i went OU with my bestie and friends :)
ahahahaha, i didnt know these bunch of people would be that shy in reality
When i met Tze and Ting in MCD, i was like errr, speechless because nothing comes into my mind when i meet them, in reality. LOL
*shy and feeling dumbstruck
and when Flo and Ning reached, "Hi there Florence! Hi Ning! err, why are you blushing, Flo? "
(her cheeks are ROSY AS APPLE)
While waiting for Flo and Ning to arrive (they really took their sweet time, u kno?), i sat near Chui Xing because there's no topic in between Tze, Ting and me. (in reality)
(andddd, im surprise to know that tze can communicates in mandarin LMAO)
well, after everyone meet up, we headed towards GSC and to purchase our lovely tickets for the show.
finally i watched it :)
lol, and im sorry Edward to make u walked here and there to look for me in the mall.. ahahaha
but in the end, u still spotted me
well, the movie starts at 2
and its like 2 hours before the seats are ready. Therefore, this bunch of people walked around the mall, macam budak sesat dalam hutan. ITS SO HUGE! (well, im not familliar to this place, okay? )
well, Christmas is coming and loads of christmas decor all around. =)
I'm feeling great with them although Ning flipped my hand off when im trying to cling on her arm because she thought im trying to drag her to somewhere. Photobucket
in the end, i embraced flo's arm and little miss shy's arm(ning's arm) too... TEEEEHEEEEE X)
We stopped at this peculiar blue decor shop namely Yippee Cup.
Well, when we entered the shop, it was pretty quiet and I guessed we are their first customer. LOL...
AHAHAHAHA, it took pretty long for these people to make up their mind what to order and what matters the most is the ordering part.
We had a good time laughing and giggling while ordering our beverages. There's this waiter, in his forties i assumed, taking order for us. Well, is it his slang or is it me, need a hearing aid, i heard him pronouncing champagne as semen. *Was like huh? and WTF after 2 seconds of silence in my mouth
and oh well?

ahahahaha, there's several lines in the movie is SOOOOOOOOOO SWEEET

Isabella Swan: Did you... follow me?
Edward Cullen: I-I feel very... protective of you.
Isabella Swan: So you followed me.
Edward Cullen: I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help and then I heard what those low-lifes were thinking
Isabella Swan: Wait-you say you heard what they were thinking?... So what, you-you read minds.
Edward Cullen: I can read every mind in this room, apart from yours... Just money, sex, money, sex... cat. And then you, nothing. It's very frustrating.
Isabella Swan: Is there something wrong with me?
Edward Cullen: See, I tell you I can read minds, and you think there's something wrong with you.
Edward Cullen: Hold on tight, spidermonkey.
[climbs up tree]
Edward Cullen: Do you trust me?
Isabella Swan: In theory...
Edward Cullen: Close your eyes.
[Jumps to next tree and climbs to top]
Edward Cullen: [Bella gasps] What?
Isabella Swan: This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.
Edward Cullen: It does in my world.
Isabella Swan: [Last lines] No one will surrender tonight, but I won't give in. I know what I want.
Edward Cullen: If you were smart, you'd stay away from me.
Isabella Swan: Ok. For arguments sake, let's say I'm not smart.
Isabella Swan: I'd never given much thought to how i would die...
Edward Cullen: I should go back there and rip those guys' heads off.
Isabella Swan: Um... No, you shouldn't.
Edward Cullen: You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking.
Isabella Swan: And you do?
Edward Cullen: It's not hard to guess.
Edward Cullen: Can you talk about something else? Distract me so i won't turn around.
Isabella Swan: You should put your seat belt on.
Edward Cullen: Haha... you should put your seat belt on!
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: [Hands her the coat] Bella is with Edward. She's a part of this family, and we protect our family.
Isabella Swan: You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash.
Edward Cullen: That's what you dream about? Being a monster?
Isabella Swan: I dream about being with you forever.
Isabella Swan: Will you tell me the truth?
Edward Cullen: No, probably not.
[Bella turns away slighly angry]
Edward Cullen: I'd rather hear your theories.
Isabella Swan: I have considered radiocative spiders and kryptonite.
Edward Cullen: All superhero stuff right? But what if I'm not the hero? What if I am the bad guy?
Isabella Swan: You're not.
[Edward smiles]
Isabella Swan: Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?
Edward Cullen: Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.
Isabella Swan: Clair de Lune is great.
Edward Cullen: [Edward spins Isabella around and she gives him a look] What?
Isabella Swan: I can't dance
Isabella Swan: ...
Edward Cullen: Hmm... Well, I could always make you.
Isabella Swan: I'm not scared of you.
Edward Cullen: [laughs] Well you really shouldn't have said that.
Isabella Swan: How old are you?
Edward Cullen: Seventeen.
Isabella Swan: How long have you been seventeen?
Edward Cullen: ...a while.

and this is the best QUOTES FROM THE ENTIRE MOVIE!

Edward Cullen: Are you afraid?
Isabella Swan: I'm only afraid of losing you.

Isabella Swan: [to Edward] I'd rather die than to stay away from you.

Edward Cullen: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Isabella Swan: What a stupid lamb.
Edward Cullen: What a sick, masochistic lion.

Edward Cullen: [to Bella] You are my life now.

Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Isabella Swan: Then don't.

Isabella Swan: [Last lines] No one will surrender tonight, but I won't give in. I know what I want.

well, some pictures to go with it :)

The Cullens' are so HAWTTT *temperature increased

its awesome and i wanna watch it AGAIN! yes, u didnt get me wrongly!

and oh well, we left OU at about 5 after the movie and well, we headed over to Curve to fill our empty stomach.
We spent fucking 30 minutes looking for the restaurant : Kim Gary
In fact, its actually behind the directory board, behind us :X
*i didnt noticed it because it looked like a florist shop instead of restaurant. wtf
and oh well?
i planned to get the bright red ones but somehow my mother said my fingers looked like those working whores' fingers in Chow Kit. wtf
so i bought beige instead *no complaints from mother and sis, the flamer as usual
we had a great time today, thanks babe :)
thanks everyone who spent the day with me today.

pictures time :)

at entrance

the budak sesat(s) : Ning and Flo

Passionfruit Bubble MilkTea (wtf its not nice at all)

magazine and drinks :)

the lightning hehehh

the waiter that pronounced champagne into semen .__.

this is total random

Christmas is near the corner.. festive season

somehow, FLOR : florence and SHEIM : Sherman
idk :X

arcade : Chui xing TEEHEEEEE X)

Captured before heading for movie LOL : Miss Triumph ahahaha

and i forced Ning to snap a picture with me... :)
(i know i look fat there, ahaha but she's cute and those typical shy ones)

sight in the Curve

shot #2

shot #3

going back hehehh (my leg hurts :X)

and owh well, thats all i experienced today...
I miss Edward Cullen
and I love a vampire boyf!
nights and byeeee lovelies

current melody : Bella's lullaby
current mood : extreme tiredness and kaki kejang

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