Wednesday, December 10

Tagged by YuhJiun, Shermaine

1. Compose a list of your top 15 sexiest famous men.
2. Collect one picture of each guy on your list.
3. Post them in your journal.
4. Tag 15 people to do the same.

Zac Efron *drools

Jesse McCartney

Mike He

Bosco Wong

Ron Ng

Raymond Lam

Kim Jae Woon


Orlando Bloom

Matt Dallas

Robert Pattison

Tom Welling

Jason Hsu

Tobey Maguire

Shahid Kapoor

I tag :

any peeps that wanna do this tag.

boredom strikes my days. I'd been a rotten meat in front of the laptop the whole day and I have nothing better to do. All my assignments are not complete, homework not done, Miss Teoh's add maths paper (i accidentally recycled that worksheet >.<), tonnes of books to give away and I have not start any revision for the upcoming examinations.

hmm, guess i shall end here then :)
im going to watch Forensic Heroes!
byeeeee dearies ❤

current melody : River Flows in you
current mood : bored and vain

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