Saturday, January 10

boy, you're my brand of heroin ; still you are

On second thoughts, I decided to maintain this blog the way it is. *snorts

I know i was quite rushing in making decisions, i know i always do which actually leads to losing him. An abrupt changes in my schedules somehow might even affect the progress of updates in my site. I'm really sorry for this but *sigh - i couldn't do much about this.
I'll blog if there is time :)
don't miss me too much people.

pictures of you reminds me of us;

in the past

things had been really awkward between us lately,

we don't talk the way we did in the past,

and those times are stated as past.

Well, as for the present, we walked past like strangers,

we'll never come across before,

and not even a single word of 'hi' too.

After everything we been through those thick and thin,

we came to an end after one year and four months.

Its quite a short period of time,

but also a long one too to banish those thoughts in mind.

now that you're gone,

and not coming back,

what am i supposed to do?

Honestly, I'm totally clueless about this,

really don't know what to do.

I should have put an effort to save this relationship.

However, instead of doing so,

I just let you walk out of my life.

but now that,

you fallen for someone else ;


its too late.

sad emo girl Pictures, Images and Photos

tuning in : Cinderella - Sweetbox
mood : blank

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